quetion on nute need an answer


Well-Known Member
hi havn't posted anything for a while and need the answer fast. i have a couple plants in merical potting soil thats suppose to last 3 months. 1 of my plants is like at least a month old and just put it in the soil for at least 4 weeks and was wondering if it would be alright to add more nutes that i bought a while ago or should i wait 3 months.:confused:


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and add some ferts. But add at 1/4 strength and not at every watering. Since you are using MG soil (with the yummy time released stuff) start off by only giving ferts (1/4 strength) every other watering.


Well-Known Member
all purpose is good stuff for n00bs. use at recomended strength and you can't go wrong. i fed blueberry's with it every watering all through veg.
