quetions using bubbbleponic system


Active Member
hello, im a first time grower, and i want to grow with bubbleponics system. how much water should u use in the resivor? should the water touch the bottom of the nets? how long and how many times a day should my plants get watered? what r the best nut? how often do i use the nut how much? what should my water ph b after the nuts r added?


Active Member
I would keep the water just a half inch below the net pots. Water them from the top until you see the roots reaching the water surface, then they can drink on their own. As for how much nutes, im kinda in the same problem, i need to find a chart. Everyone says start at a quarter strength than the recommended for a full grown plant (what the label recommends is for a plant thats been growing for a little while at least, not seedlings)


Active Member
oh and try to keep you pH about 5.5 - 6.5 anywhere between is fine. 7.0 is neutral and will still work, but it makes it harder for the plant to take up the nutrients. So lower is better... but not too low.


Well-Known Member
hey guys thnks for this info...im getting into a system just like this and thats what i needed to know.............tight shit..