Quick answer please.


Active Member
I'm about to transplant into a bigger pot using this fertilizer IMG_0324.JPG, it's a powdery type stuff, should I mix it into the soil or ONLY top dress with it?


Well-Known Member
Based on the ingredients I would just top dress with it. The Gaia stuff has all kinds of organic goodies like bone, blood, kelp, alfalfa, etc and those things need time to break down when mixed into a soil or they can burn. But they should be perfectly safe to topdress with as long as you don't go overboard. Id start with a couple spoonfuls on top of the soil and add more in a week or two if you think you need more. It would also help to spread a little compost or worm castings over the Gaia before watering and that will help break it all down.


Well-Known Member
Mix dry fertilizer with water. Then water it in. If you are unsure of the dosage and burning, mix it low and work from there.
If you intend on asking questions relating to feeding then include what you are growing in. Dirt and coco or hydro are all different. Water it in. Test it.


Active Member
Based on the ingredients I would just top dress with it. The Gaia stuff has all kinds of organic goodies like bone, blood, kelp, alfalfa, etc and those things need time to break down when mixed into a soil or they can burn. But they should be perfectly safe to topdress with as long as you don't go overboard. Id start with a couple spoonfuls on top of the soil and add more in a week or two if you think you need more. It would also help to spread a little compost or worm castings over the Gaia before watering and that will help break it all down.
I was asking for a quick answer because I'd planned to transplant before I went to bed. Sadly I mixed it in.. thankfully I only mixed in with the one plant and I transplanted into a pot that was too big so I'll just transplant that into a smaller pot and leave the other soil for another week(or so?) before using it.


Well-Known Member
Mix dry fertilizer with water. Then water it in. If you are unsure of the dosage and burning, mix it low and work from there.
If you intend on asking questions relating to feeding then include what you are growing in. Dirt and coco or hydro are all different. Water it in. Test it.
if you do it that way, just remember to calculate how much is water soluble and how much isn't, it'll tell you on the back. Looks like most of it is soluble.