Quick clone question...


Well-Known Member
So in an attempt to do a little supercropping today I accidentally snapped a node off one of my white skunks. I recut the end at a 45 deg angle and dipped it in rooting powder. The only thing I wasnt prepared for was a medium. I was planning on picking up those little peat things or some rockwool when I was ready to clone, but since this happened unexpectedly, I am forced to use soil. Can I clone in soil? I have cloned in water before, so I would assume i should leave the soil fairly saturated? Any tips on using soil as a clone medium?


Well-Known Member
Mix with perlite... so that it drains faster? Wouldnt that kill the clone if it dried out completely? Wouldnt i be safer with a more wet medium? I didnt even punch a hole in the cup because I wasnt sure.

And I have the clone in a solo cup with a clear plastic cup on top.


Well-Known Member
do exactly what you did! keep soil moist and humidity high. ive keept week ones under 24 hour light. i move the light up alittle though!


Well-Known Member
You want the soil moist and not saturated.

The difference is if the soil is totally saturated then there is no room for oxygen in the root mass.

Just spray the top of the soil with a mister to keep it moist and not over watered.

Ya a hole for draining is ok but you should not be dumping that much water in the first place.