Quick confirmation on sex, please!


Well-Known Member
yeah, the smallest of white hairs is a dead give away, but dont let your guard down yet, they could be prone to hermie depending on the species. just keep temps optimal if you can, and keep light leaks away, and the hermie prone ones should never take a dive down the "fuck your crop up" side... lol had a purp strain fuck me pretty bad recently, in the ass, no lube... like tearing muscle tissue style, trust me you dont need that shit. it looks to have pollinated most of the lower branches of my other plants in the room because of the way the fan was situated, so far looks like most of the main colas are ok, i don't see any inflated balls within the flowers. so im just hoping for the best, also added 4 or 5 more plants to the room today from veg so im hopping all the pollen is either killed by all the bleach water i sprayed all over or just stuck to the other ones in there, going to try and weed out the purps because of that. although they do grow much bigger denser buds than my other strain which seems to be more indica cause that shit put me on my ass with a half of a bowl.


Well-Known Member

Haha, Do you have a grow journal or something I can watch?

I have 3 females, 2 sativa and 1 indica, in their second week of flowering right now. Mainly outdoors and I am going to bring it inside when it's cloudy. We pretty much started flowering at the same time :) It seem's yours are taking off. I noticed that during this time in flowering they have a growth spurt, then come week 3-4 of flowering I hear they start producing trichromes. Cannot wait for this stage :P


Active Member
Thanks for all the additional confirmations and I now KNOW they are ladies! I just couldn't believe I was lucky enough to have two females!


Haha, Do you have a grow journal or something I can watch?

I have 3 females, 2 sativa and 1 indica, in their second week of flowering right now. Mainly outdoors and I am going to bring it inside when it's cloudy. We pretty much started flowering at the same time :) It seem's yours are taking off. I noticed that during this time in flowering they have a growth spurt, then come week 3-4 of flowering I hear they start producing trichromes. Cannot wait for this stage :P
I do not have a grow journal but all of my horrific mistakes are pretty well documented on here. This is my very first time growing so I have no idea what I am doing! I thought maybe next time around I would start a journal and also i will do soil instead of hydro (what was I thinking?!). I had root rot 2 different times and then almost killed them with hydrogen peroxide but somehow they managed to bounce back more than I thought could be possible. I am hoping they finish their growth spurt real soon as I am completely out of cabinet space. I am out of town right now so my girlfriend is taking care of them. Hopefully they will have some trichomes for me to inspect when I get back!!

Is there a pretty significant height difference between your sativas and indica?


Well-Known Member

  • Purple stemmed sativa is 47"
    Other sativa is 38"
    Indica is 21

Yes, huge difference. The growth spurt will be from week 2-3 I believe.


Well-Known Member
Hey hows it all going over there any progress on your girls would like to see a pic to see were your at.020.jpg025.jpg021.jpg022.jpg023.jpg024.jpg Im going to post pics up today. Its 1 month since flip 20 days since peflowers for me


Active Member
Hey hows it all going over there any progress on your girls would like to see a pic to see were your at.Im going to post pics up today. Its 1 month since flip 20 days since peflowers for me
Those are looking pretty great!!

I have been traveling a lot lately so no time for updates but I did take a few pics yesterday. I am at 7 weeks into flower. I think they are look pretty good! They did stop growing after 3 weeks into flower and they have been beefing up since then!


Well-Known Member
They look great your doing a great job. had to put mine outside they got to big hope the full sun beefs them up aswell. really slow growers arent they. Mine seem a little airy could you put a pic of the hole plant if you get a chance.Anyways cant wait to see them finish I believe I have have 4weeks left but spring is around the corner hope they dont reveg on me outside.


Active Member
I finally harvested, dried, and am in the process of curing. I don't have a scale so I have no idea exactly how much I have. I did use 8 quart sized mason jars (not packed). Some of it smells and looks good, but some just smells like hay and I don't really see any crystals on it. Still, with all the root rot problems and this being my very first grow....I think it turned out pretty well!

My ladies

after a trim

Hanging to dry-dollar for scale

Final product