quick dry~ I wanna test my harvest

I'm sorry you feel I was being rude for trying to answer someone's question and then not appreciating being grouped as a idiot. I felt that was uncalled for considering someone else asked a very direct question that I was responding to. I don't mean to be rude and I apologize if I offended anyone. If you think I'm impatient because you believe that I dry my smoke using a microwave lol, I assure you that is not true. I do, however, understand that if you reach harvest time and have been out of smoke for a while, sometimes it is desirable to quick-dry a half of a gram, or so, to sample it. Yes, it makes the smoke very harsh and I would not recommend it, but sometimes it will help to get you through a tough time. For your peace of mind, I always dry by hanging and at least a 3 week cure.-P
hope dude didnt microwave his bud. the heat of oven and microwave method rape the THC. i tried posting my quickdry method in the FAQ, but it never showed up there in like half a year

what i do is just toss a few small nugs into a cigar box at night and when i wake up the bud is dry and smokeable, but tastes a little like cedar
its the fastest, least harmful method to quickdry

(my faq contrabution was longer and in more detail, just dont have all day to retype something i wrote 6mo ago)
I'm sorry you feel I was being rude for trying to answer someone's question and then not appreciating being grouped as a idiot. I felt that was uncalled for considering someone else asked a very direct question that I was responding to. I don't mean to be rude and I apologize if I offended anyone. If you think I'm impatient because you believe that I dry my smoke using a microwave lol, I assure you that is not true. I do, however, understand that if you reach harvest time and have been out of smoke for a while, sometimes it is desirable to quick-dry a half of a gram, or so, to sample it. Yes, it makes the smoke very harsh and I would not recommend it, but sometimes it will help to get you through a tough time. For your peace of mind, I always dry by hanging and at least a 3 week cure.-P
that was not specifically directed toward you..... i have just noticed so much horrible information and advice people give eachother on this site. to be honest, maybe a whopping 99% of everything i read on here is total bullshit! it's kinda sad. so many people are ruining their plants.... it's a living thing too! shouldn't one do everything they possibly can to have an outstanding plant with beautiful flowers DONE RIGHT??!! i'm sorry if you felt that was directed at you. it is more-or-less a combination of everything i have read on this site that irks me- i guess it was a generalized random blogging of my heated opinion. Now, if anyone wants LEGIT advice/information, do not hesitate to ask. I can try to answer correctly; and, if i don't, for any reason, have an answer... I won't give pseudo-advice.
I understand buddy and I assure you, I harbor no ill feelings. May your next harvest yield more grams than you hoped for and give you buds that are of better than expected quality.-Pbongsmilie
THX EVERYONE for all your info on the question I have posted...
But I'll never microwave my bud again it was so HARSH I couldnt even smoke it. The reason for the quick dry is because I'm dead broke I have invested all my checks on my growroom, nutes, and etc. and I need my meds. I have bad social anxiety its hard for me to leave the house and cannabis is WAY better than eating pills that I have no control over. If anyone knows of a strain that helps w/ my anxiety plz share.
Im growing right now Mr Nice x blueberry [BlueDragon] and some GDP
pics of my BD's

now here are the GDP's

thx everyone for all your replys
oh yeah by the way sorry for the way I started the post I just wanted some replys I seen someone else do it like this and it worked for him and guess what it worked for me too...
hope dude didnt microwave his bud. the heat of oven and microwave method rape the THC. i tried posting my quickdry method in the FAQ, but it never showed up there in like half a year

what i do is just toss a few small nugs into a cigar box at night and when i wake up the bud is dry and smokeable, but tastes a little like cedar
its the fastest, least harmful method to quickdry

(my faq contrabution was longer and in more detail, just dont have all day to retype something i wrote 6mo ago)

if you dont mide the tase of cedar this is your best bet
I personally wouldn't want to microwave or burn it any way. Just get you a windproof lighter, a bong, and a glass of juice. You'll get your instant gratification, just not at it's fullest potential but it's there.
Why don't you just buy you like 2 or 3 ounces to hold you over until your shit is ready that way you won't keep on pinching your plant to get that gratification. Believe me, once you take 1 lil nugget to test it out, that little nugget is going to lead to another and another, next thing you know your shit's naked as hell and wondering damn, why didn't i wait?
I can understand wanting to maybe take a little tiny bud from your 'still immature' plant.. and wanting to test to see what its like.

But.. the problem here is.. Your BUDS ARE NOT MATURE.

Therefore... they're not going to taste.. how they're suppose to. Why? again.. because they're not mature.

Growing marijuana.. takes patience you guys.

and like the last guy said.. once you take one from your plant to test.. that will then lead to another.. then another... then before you know it.. you've got a bare naked plant.. with nothing but leafs and branches. All that work and waiting up to this point.. down the drain. Then, you gotta start ALL OVER again....

not worth it man.

If your wanting to take a test bud, fine, but! until your plant is mature, harvested, dried.. and cured... your buds aren't going to taste right. Plain and simple bro.

You'll learn in time... you young wipper-snapper!.

Hope this helped..

peace. :peace: