quick drying any ideas?


Well-Known Member
What would be a quick feasible method for drying? Could I simply hang them upside down in my grow room and leave the fan blowing on them? I would think this would take only a couple days to dry. The only place I have to hang or keep them is in my grow area and I would like to get started on new plants asap.


Well-Known Member
personally i like to keep the bud moist as long as possible. the longer the plants enzymes have to convert to suger the better the taste and aroma.

you waited 3 months for bud. AT least give it 7 days to air dry


Active Member
You waited 3 months for bud. At least give it 7 days to air dry.
Exactly how I see it, the longer the drying time, the better the finished product is. A quick dry is pointless considering you waited months just to get to this point. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Quick dry is a BAD idea

agreed. not a good call.

to start you want to hang them upside down in dark area. like a closet. make sure that the stalks arent touching eachother. you want this area to be similar to the growing conditions- 50-60% humidity, 65-68F temp.

leave it at for a while, a good 10-14 days or so. check the stems, you want them to bend and snap, but not be brittle (thats too dry)

then to cure it , pack the buds into an airtight conatiner, pretty tightly, but not crushing them or damaging them. you just want the minimal amount of air possible in the container - more buds to take up space=less froom for air.

check on them every day or so, move them around make sure theres no mold. (if there appears to be moisture leave them on a piece of newspaper ofr something in a dry place)

after that you can cure them by putting them in a 100% airtight container in the fridge. the longer they sit in the fridge, the taste and potency will increase because you are actually curing it. one its at a point that is prime, you can throw it in the freezer to stop the aging process.

you dont want to dry your bud quickly because you will sacrifice taste and some potency. the drying and curing process is the final step and you dont want to skimp on it after months of care and patience.

you will need to manicure the stalks/buds, if you are unfamiliar with that, read up on it so you know what to do



Well-Known Member
I use a fan to circulate the air but not going full blast blowing right on the drying plants..

exactly. direct airflow is goign to dry them out, make them crispy long before their prime.

if you have a fan, keep it on low and make sure there is no direct airflow. even a fan facing a wall can have the air bouncing off the wall right to the stalks.

and to touch on dirtyal - if you are taking your time, no fans. Fans are merely a way of speeding it up, so if you take your time a fan is a no go.

nothing wrong with not taking 4 weeks to cure, we all get anxious, especially 1st timers! cant blame them one lick tho. but once you have a couple crops, the longer you cure, the more pleased you will bei n the end.


Well-Known Member
The only part I was in a rush for was the drying. I don't mind curing them in jars for as long as it takes it's just that the only place I have to hang them is in my grow area. So without a fan or with one indirectly on low how long are we looking at for dry time in 65-68 degrees and maybe 20% humidity? thanks all


Well-Known Member
do you have the lights on in the room still you may want to make a screen to stop direct light i will be drying in my grow room in recycling boxes i will make into drying chambers with string and mesh as i hear light degrades thc thats not growing still i have 30+ days to wait yet but i can tell il need a lot of room for drying all these buds i will have peace