Quick harvest question


Well-Known Member
Do you guys cut and trim everything right away or wait until dry? Also, how long do you usually dry for? I'm about to harvest but I've read conflicting info. I was gonna trim all and hang in boxes for 2-4 days(dry here), then cure for a few weeks. What you you think?

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
trimming right off the bat is easier, imo. in reference to drying, i'd go a week and then cure, but maybe that's just me.


Well-Known Member
take off feeder leaves by hand hang dry then finish them. better taste in my books plus the small leaves cuddle the buds and protect thc .


Trim it while it is fresh and then hang dry it for a couple days then put in in brown paper bags and shuffle the product every day until it is fully dry then cure in jars for atleast two weeks opening once a day to air out and check for mold. your finished product should taste great and burn evenly. good luck.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
I trim them all up before drying because its a lot easier. When the stems snap its ready for the jars.