Quick HELP needed - early harvest, already pruned - still give the dark period?


Active Member

Well, I was a week away from the finish . . . 2 White Russian Autos and 1 Mi5 Auto - then last night something went terribly wrong with the ph - I think my meter is faulty - anyhow, I woke up to a bunch of twisted, brown, wilted leaves - I decided to harvest rather than allow the plants to continue in soil that somehow dropped to a ph of 5! They were very close anyhow, so I don't expect a significant drop in quality. All that considered - the two White Russians would usually benefit from at least a 24 hour dark period, preferably 72; after pulling the plants from the room, I flushed each one with neutral water and managed to recover a good ph, I also went ahead and pruned / manicured the buds (this took me all day!) - I'm wondering if I should still try for the dark period? The plants are still in the soil - can anyone tell me if this would be wise or if it would just be better to go ahead and chop the stems off asap. I'll make some sort of decision in the next few hours - talk me out of / into either! Please & thanks!


Well-Known Member
Giving your plant a dark period only works when the roots are still in the ground, once you cut the bottom of the stalk off it makes no difference.



Active Member
Woodsmaneh! - Oh, I know - that's the situation - the plants are still in the soil, I haven't chopped yet (actually I did just chop the Mi5 - it's beeeeautiful) - I'm guessing there's almost a couple ounces on it - probably about the same for the White Russians. Hmmmm . . . still debating, but I'm leaning toward harvesting tonight - I think I agree with you, allnatural, I don't think there will be a huge (or noticable) difference.


Active Member
The pictures arent too great - I only had my cell phone camera on me and the room is dark, but here's the Mi5 (with red lighter) and the White Russians. This was my first indoor grow - I'd only grown once before - outdoors - I must say I'm very pleased. You can't really see how dense and thick these buds are in the photo, but they are both!


Active Member
Also, I cut away most of the smaller buds - there were tons. Going to be making some hash with the frosty leaves and smaller buds.