Quick help on a first grow.

Big G Alba

Hello to all, my first post on here and it's regarding my upcoming grow.

After months of gettin shit, damp and weak green, my flatmate and i have decided to start out own grow.

The site we have picked out is the cupboard in my room, which is about 2 foot squared.

I have a good few friends who have done a grow so I sort of know the basics (germinate, transplant, light, etc).

We have already decided on lights (Dutch Pro Grow 250w) and seeds but we can't make our minds up about a fan.

Do we need a fan? If we were to open the cupboard for a set time each day wouldn't that be fine?

I'm only asking because quite a few places contradict each other. And i did check the 101 questions but couldn't see an answer.

Any help would be seriously appreciated! Not just on the fan though, I'm open to all and any suggestions you may have!


Well-Known Member
you definitly need a fan. plants need fresh air you can get a fan to push air out and have passive air intakes towards the bottom of your plants. exaust from the top. have you set it up and seen how hot it will be in there?

Big G Alba

yeah i had a friend who hooked up 2 computer fans and hung them on either side of the grow.

no, unfortunately this has not been set up yet as I am waitin on the components.

i have also just taken a bit of a knock to my confidence in the set up because I've been told I could spend a lot less on a light (the Dutch Pro Grow is around 85 quid) and get similar results (using an envirolight for example)

so now i am a bit less sure of my plan. the cupboard is quite small, with white walls, so i'm thinking it would get quite hot with a light in it but i doubt it could go over 75 degrees Farenheit.

my main fear now is puttin in the effort and gettin no results.




Well-Known Member
im good with sigs but this is a ganja forum. the 250 will heat a small cupboard alot more than you would think. no worries there are cheap ways to cool it down. get the light running and youll have a better idea what size fan youll need. but youll surely need one.
set up all your lights and do a dry run in your cupboard n find out the temp in ur cupboard before you go start growin in there just to see how big a fan if at all you need , your deff need to circulate the air in the cupboard tho

Big G Alba

Yeah im pretty sure u can pick up decent fans in maplin for like 15 quid so i'll prob get just a couple of them. I think i am goin to start a grow diary and post my results on here so you will all be able to comment and criticize my set up!

it can be all our grow! altho i will be the only one reaping the rewards lol :)


Well-Known Member
ive got no clue with the signature either i was sort of joking like sig the gun company. i dont even know how to quote a message im so terrible on computers. what type of grow are you planning with the cupboard and 250. ever research scrog setups. they work nice when in small places with small lights.

Big G Alba

ha! i get the sig joke now lol sig saur or somethin like that innit? wee handgun?

eh because it's our first grow i'm prob just going to go for 2 plants. nothing too ambitious.

no i havent heard of a scrog set up? should i of?

I also just measured my cupboard and it is actually a bit bigger than i thought - 23 inches by 24 inches - so i have a bit more space to play with.

my general plan for the set up would be just have the light hanging from the rail with the 2 plants in separate pots - with the addition of a fan on the back wall.


Well-Known Member
you will want the fan exausting the hot air on the top of the cupboard. it would be more benificial than having it blow on them.and just make passive air intakes at the bottom of the cupboard. but an ocilating fan blowing on them will stouten your plants up. check out scrog setups they are perfect for small areas. they do require a bit more care but its the best way to get a good harvest of solid buds off of a 250. do a search and see what im talking about then again its not for everyone just what i would do.

Big G Alba

passive air intakes? like wee tubes leading out of the cupboard?

looking into the scrog method now and reading good things so i think this could be a goer. :)

just so im reading it right, i still use the basic set up i mentioned but put a screen above it? like a wee wooden frame with wire pulled across it?

i'll be doing a grow diary and uploading my efforts on here so will all be able to see or yourself anyway.

thanks for ur help man.


Well-Known Member
no passive intakes would just be holes to let air in as air is being sucked out through your fan which should be located where the air is hottest.. thats it try to make it so that the fan is pulling more air than being sucked in. this will create some good air flow. think of them as just vents but they would be sucking air in not venting out. when your lights are off you can keep your fan off or on a timer so it just exausts the air once an hour or so. with a scrog you would train your plants to grow horizontally under a screen,like chicken wire. that way you can keep your light close to all budding sites on the plant. then when you are ready to flower(when you fill most of the screen) you let the buds grow through. that way all bud sites recieve the same amount of light so all the buds will be nice not just the tops. with a 250 you will need to keep it as close to the plants as you can without burning them. with a normal grow only the tops would be nice and the lower buds scraggly,loose. but with a scrog they all get good light.

Big G Alba

ahhh right ok i get it.

so my set up would be



scrog screen


passive intakes

in that order right?

also, the scrog methods i have looked at have the screen on legs above the grow and i dont really think that would work here. would fixing the screen on the wall work aswell yeah?

currently researching how to make a scrog screen lol :P


Well-Known Member
yea fixing it to the wall works fine. chicken wire works well for scrogs. you wont learn it overnight it takes a little reading and asking. there are others on here more knowledgeable than myself. do some searching. im sure if you googled it you would come up with lots of info also.

Big G Alba

yeah man i have done and thanks for all your help!

when i get it set up il do some pictures and let the forum have its say.