quick help please! added too much or just leave it.


hey guys, i just added 2 1/2 oz of humbolt gravity flower hardener to a 33 galloan res... i went with two ml for every gallon like the directions say thats was before hand reading all the comment on how that stuff is super strong. so my question is did i add too much and what should i do. i dont want to burn my babies. am a growing russian rocket fuels autos. should i let it play out and see what happen or do i drain and refill my res. ? thanks guys:-(


Well-Known Member
hey guys, i just added 2 1/2 oz of humbolt gravity flower hardener to a 33 galloan res... i went with two ml for every gallon like the directions say thats was before hand reading all the comment on how that stuff is super strong. so my question is did i add too much and what should i do. i dont want to burn my babies. am a growing russian rocket fuels autos. should i let it play out and see what happen or do i drain and refill my res. ? thanks guys:-(
if your ppm's are in line for your stage of growth i'd let it roll but keep a close eye on them over the next 18 to 36 hours. if your nervous now, add some plain water to the res bro....


shit to tell you guys the truth i dont know my ppm. this is my third grow useing this set up and i never checked or got a ppm meter. i kind of always just follow the instrustion on the back of labels and never over did nuts until today with that humbolt gravity which i did follow instrustion but read up on people burn their plants cuase of being too strong. lmfao its the truth and i am pretty sure lot will talk shit . lets hear it. i guess its time to finally go buy a meter.


Well-Known Member
It is advisable that you get a tds meter and know what your ppm's are, that's the only way to know if you're over or under, bare in mind that all strains are not the same, some can't take higher ppm's than others, I assume you're watching your ph?


Well-Known Member
Here's a chart I found once on this forum, it helps you on getting a starting point.

PPM for Hanna Chart PPM

Seedlings, Early Sprouts ..100 to 250
Early Vegging ......................300 to 400
Full Vegetation ....................450 to 700
Early Blooming ...................750 to 950
Full Mature Blooms ...........1000 to 1600