quick light question

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
gonna need ALOT of cfls for flower. 15-20 of em. positioned above and around the plant.

Go to homedepot and buy five four packs of 23w bulbs.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
i had this guy tell me to use the 3:1 ratio for veg as in for every 3 6500k use 1 2700k for a spectrum to help it grow better and said for flowering to switch it around. what do you think about that?
Not necessary. I do keep the 6500k when I flip and just add 2700k to it.

When I flipped I had 4 bulbs of 6500k above my plant. Then I just added 2700k bulbs, as she got wider and taller, to the sides.

The most important thing about growing with CFLs is to keep them at the optimal distance AT ALL TIMES! 2-4 inches to avoid stretch. During the flip to flower 12/12 you will have to check plant every day at lights on to adjust lights.