Quick Lighting Question


Well-Known Member
how many watts are they? are they t5's? how long are they? [feet] how many plants are you trying to use it for? im sorry but wee need some info to help :T


Each Bulb is 20w
61cm T8

Fluorescent Tubes From the pet store.

4200-K / Daylight Aquarium Bulb / 125 Lux / 1300 Lumen
Marine Glo:
Actinic / Blue Spectrum Marine Bulb / 650 Lumens / 50 Lux

*That is just what I pulled off the box. I read that for growing some aeroponic Tomato plants, I would want to get mostly the left side of the spectrum and first then some more red for flowering.


Well-Known Member
Viewpanel, those lights as Haze put it... are crap, well at least we know 1 is. The bulb that is rated 4200k is definitely crap. For veg phase you want your bulbs rated between 5000k-7000k (this is the blue side of the spectrum which plants need during veg). For flowering you will need to be in the 3500k-2000k range (this is the red side of the spectrum again for flower). So you know the one bulb rated at 4200k is crap, find out what the other one is rated at. As far as the types of bulbs that you are using, you can use T8s for veg and flower. Now, let me be clear, flowering with T8s is not ideal, but can be done, just don't expect much as far as yeild goes, I did see a thread on here a few weeks ago, this guy was using T8s for flower not impressive but it was working. I use T8s for vegging and they seem to do really well. I keep the bulbs about an 1" away, but not much closer, even though these bulbs aren't hot they can still burn a leaf or 2... Now mind you I'm finishing up my first grow and have started my second grow (1 plant 40 days from seed) and third grows (2 plants 10 days from seed), So I'm not an expert but, with my minimal exerience and all the shit I learned on RIU I think they look good with no stretch. If you'd like I can post a few pics of my girls in veg. For Flowering get some new lighting... if you can afford hps, do it, do it, just do it... i use cfls and t8s so far my first grow is looking ok. any way I hope you found some of this useful. Oh that do it thing... Starskey and Hutch reference... Go Sharks!!!
oh by the way i'm a lil high so if this was confusing i'm sorry bongsmilie


Well, I need to find a cheap alternative in my area..
Would lowes/home depot have something better for now?

Also, I take it two sets of lighting is needed, one that is tailored to the specific light requirements of each phase?


Well-Known Member
Yes Lowes/Home Depot have the T8 lighting with the right light spectrums. You can also find lighting at walmart. I have actually seen CFL bulbs at the dollar tree as well... 2 bulbs for a buck isn't bad, especially if you are trying to go cheap. Get lighting fixtures at walmart for your CFLs, the only thing I was not able to get there was Y spliters but everything else was there.
hope this helps... good luck.
Edit: oh and yes you do need 2 sets of lighting tailoring to each phase of growth. 5000k-7000k for veg and 2000k-3500k for flower. oh and ppl do mix the light spectrum a little, for instance... in veg some will use 4 6500k bulbs and 2 2700k bulbs and do the opposite in the flower stage


Well-Known Member
Looks good. I know T5s are more intense than T8s. If you can get T5HO, these are even better than standard T5s. They are about 50% more intense.
I can't say how well they do for flowering, but I'm sure they'll work well.
Anyone have experience with T5s???