Quick one autoflower growing slow


New Member
Hello all, I have a Quickone autoflower, she started out slow then she caught up, however she did veg, alot longer than usual. She started to get her first preflowers, on day 50.. it's day 80.. she has lots of white hairs everywhere and she finally is starting form buds.. according to the breeder she supposed to be ready within 60 days, I know I'm not supposed to go by those standards since most breeders try to give the shortest time ppssible.. it looks like my quickone autoflower needs another month or so. So my question is has anyone ever had a autoflower that took longer than 4 months. And has anyone had this problem with slow growth with the Quickone autoflower.. this is my 3rd grow.. so I'm still learning, so any imput.. I would very much appreciated 1482377096858-1262049986.jpg 14823772225921157672497.jpg
I had a plant that had similar leaves as yours and I was told nitrogen toxicity. That's why the tip is elongated and "clawed" looking. Also from some reading nitrogen toxicity slows down growth. Just a guess thought.


New Member
Thank you, I will looked into that.. I did reuse this soil a few times so perhaps that wasn't smart on my end.. I'm still learning.. yesterday the buds got a bit bigger and now have a bunch if orange hairs..so it's making progress lol
we're all still learning, there's always more to learn. My plant just started getting orange hairs too so I know your excitement. Idk what's up with this site, either threads are completely ignored or they're bombarded with replies. But yea man update this threat with some pics and progress I'll definitely follow along


New Member
Here is an update, I also tried removing all those leaves because she is so leafy, and I wanted the last few weeks to get as much light as possible.. I just bought a grow tent and proper equipment so my next grow should be alot better.. but this isn't too shabby considering this is growing under a regular $15 grow light lol20161229_101947.jpg 20161229_101947.jpg 20161229_101921.jpg
Nice bro looks pretty good! I'd be careful removing too many leaves tho cause autos are known to easily stress and slow down growth but if it worked for you that's all that matters. What's your plan as far as dry and curing is concerned ?


New Member
Since they made the 90 day mark, I'm going to give it another week or 2, to see Ifor they fatten up, and then I'm just gonna hang them upside down and let them dry naturally, I might save the trim for edibles..I love that I learn some new with each grow, I'm more excited about next grow.. which is gonna a be Red poison autos.. it will be my first time with Red poison, but those will be growing out of a grow tent, with a proper set up, which I will post pics on the grow..hopefully I will have a better yeild next time.. I did sample this quick one autoflower bud.. and it was a nice buzz, and I think the will be better once it's dry and cured


Well-Known Member
Since they made the 90 day mark, I'm going to give it another week or 2, to see Ifor they fatten up, and then I'm just gonna hang them upside down and let them dry naturally, I might save the trim for edibles..I love that I learn some new with each grow, I'm more excited about next grow.. which is gonna a be Red poison autos.. it will be my first time with Red poison, but those will be growing out of a grow tent, with a proper set up, which I will post pics on the grow..hopefully I will have a better yeild next time.. I did sample this quick one autoflower bud.. and it was a nice buzz, and I think the will be better once it's dry and cured
Seems like the growth was stunted early on. Could be a multitude of reasons for this. I would bank on overfeeding / overwatering. Ripping leaves off will also cause stunted growth and lower yeild.


New Member
I only took off some.of the leaves a few days ago on day 85, but I think it has alot to.do with my set up, initially I didn't have a lot of cash for a good set up, so I'm thinking the grow light wasn't strong enough and as far as watering, I only water it when it felt light.. so I would water it once a week sometimes twice a week if she needed it.. my previous grow was a dwarf low flyer auto, and it flourish and got really good yields per plant.. but this was my first time with a quick one auto..