Quick Pc fan question?


Well-Known Member
Hello rollitup community, I have a couple questions that i couldn't figure out by myself. Ok #1:I been doing some research on Pc fans for my grow dresser build and I came to the conclusion that I would purchase noctua nf-s12a flx; I figured its whisper quite 17 dba and pumping out 63 cfm my dresser will be undetectable if i use this for exhaust and intake, so how would I go about connecting this to a adapter and still pull out max RPM 1200? (keeping in mind that it has 3 differnt rpm choices)

#2: There quite expensive so i didn't want to rig whole dresser with it, so if get regular pc fans will they leak out sound if there in corners of dressers with rubber around sides to reduce vibrations?


Fan test:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_gK0nMjTXg

Super quiet ehh?

Please keep in mind this is a super stealth grow, and if your wondering I was gonna run firstly freedom 35 than follow that up with super lemon haze and a really good kush (Holy grail, Midnight, afghan special) not sure yet


New Member
IMO, that fan should work well depending on the dimensions of your box.
The exhaust should recycle the air in the cab every few minutes, usually under a minute is a good goal, then you will know your plans are getting the fresh air they need.
The intake should be at least as big as the waist port if you are using negative pressure for intake method.
Here is a little trick you can use to see how quick your cab is refreshing the air, in an "eyeballing" type method:
1) Set up your cab fans and power them up
2) Set a video recorder in the box, cell phone ect. Aim it from the bottom to get a good look of the entire inside of the box.
3) Turn camera on record, shut the box up sealed.
4)FIRE IT UP!!!:roll::blsmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke: No really light one up and blow the smoke into the intake port. Take another hit but don't blow it in the port, you're just waiting time for all the smoke to clear out.
5) Open cab, stop camera. Hell take a hit!!!
6) Check the results...most camera have some sort of timer on them. Watch for the smoke to appear and start your count, take a hit and wait for ALL of the smoke to exit before you so the count. The time in which the smoke appeared and then disappeared is an approximate time of how long it take to refresh your box. Repeat the prices a few times and get an average.
If course this is an opinionated guess but it gets you an idea of recirculation.:idea::idea::idea:


New Member
As for your fan, a power supply of 12 volt dc, anything less than .25 amps should work, just splice and wire connect.