Quick pre planting question


Well-Known Member
Your first problem is you didnt post anything that had even an inkling of coherence.

Your second problem is your caps lock is on.

That should take care of everything for you.
Good luck.
Im looking for some input from anybody whos willing to help... i got compost-soil sitting in a covered 32gal garbage(w drainage holes) can and its going to be used for a GG this season..,ive added. A LOT of mashed kitchen and lawn scraps and more wild worms to it than i can remember.. its really dark and moist and the soil is in like different size balls if that makes sense. Ive been turning it often and it seems legit...the blood-bone meal-perlite-FFOF-etc etc are coming but $$$ has been tite. Do blood n bone meal really do take a month to be ready? am i doing anything wrong so far? is there anything else i could add? i was thinking molasses or should i wait.?/...1st grow so ANYTHING helps...THANKS
ya i get that but this stuff is more soil than compost...it was originally local rich topsoil that i put in a pile and added some really rich half composted stuff i stole from the neighbors ..from there i started putting in chopped kitchen scraps to it(egg shells, banana peels, coffee grounds, etc etc...would it be a good idea to add this to my soil mix? or since its wild dirt mite it have diseases or wat....


Well-Known Member
If I'm not mistaken, compost has to sit for awhile, like months or a year. You're better off buying a cheap bag of potting soil.
its been in a garbage can that gets a few hours good sun for about the last 3 months....i keep adding kitchen scraps to keep the worms alive....i should stop doing this?