Quick question about a thread Earl made


Well-Known Member
First off, many thanks to Earl for the great info he brings and for this tutorial of micro-sexing.

The thread in question is https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/38684-micro-sexing-before-taking-clones.html

I'm curious if these are from seed how he/people grow plants this compact? My fan leaves stretched out quite a bit.. I have little bushes which I like with close nodes but cannot understand how it grew so vertical yet not in width.. Is there something you can do to help this that I've not read about? I've always kept my lights as close as possible and believe thats how i got the bushes.. but i can't see how putting lights further away would inhibit this type of growth? Could save me a lot of space ;)

The branches i'm going to take clones from are already taller/larger than the whole plants in his example.. just wondering what, if any, the technique used is.

Thanks everyone.


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in how they grew less in width, not height. My plants are already taller than his examples at week 3 but they're also 5x wider. I don't want to stretch them I want to remain bushy but skinny & compact like his picture examples. It could very well be a pruned plant, it just didn't look like it to me.


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm sure the plants in his tutorial were from seed, otherwise he wouldn't be cloning males.