Quick Question about Cfls


alright so i can only seem to find cfl bulbs that have either 2700k or 4100k on them, i can't find the 6400k ones.

so what i was thinking is that if i can only get these two types, won't they just add up to 8200k if i were to focus them on one plant?


No, the 2700k and 4100k are the burning temp color, the lower the number the more red YOU will see, the higher the number the more blue then white as you get closer to the 8000k range, those will work better for flower and not so good with veg but will work, you should see longer internodes with the red in veg, the flowering is based on number of hours the lights are on.

bill johnson

look for daylight label'd ones, sometimes they dont have the 6500k thing printed on them but day light means 6500k