Quick question about light


Hey guys,

I've just germinated and planted a auto seed. There is a cfl light question that need know, and probably as to do with the quantity of lumens a plant can get.

I got 6 clf 20w, but probably i dont need to turn them all ON when the sprout come out right?

I got an 250w hps for the flowering stage. I think in turning it on one week before the flowering.

Thank for sharing your advice.

Btw, poor benfica.... Heheh


Active Member
Hey there!

So you have a total of 6 CFLs, for roughly 120 watts. No, you definitely won't need all of that light just yet. It's best to start with lower amounts, and increase the light as your seedling grows more leaf sets/nodes to utilize the light. Otherwise, the plants will be stressed out, could burn, etc.

I always start with either a 23 or 40 watt CFL during/after germination. I then add 23 watts more each several days. So by the end of week 1, I'm at about 80 watts. At the end of week two, I'm heading towards 100 watts+. Your mileage varies depending on tons of other factors, but that's just a general guide to how you can start a seedling and then add more as it can handle it.

I think you have a good idea....throwing in your HPS before flowering, so the plant gets adjusted to it and deals with any "stress" that results from adding more light/lumens, before it starts to bloom.

Since your plants will most likely stretch for several weeks after the 12/12 flip, it will be best to mix in some blue-spectrum light (CFLs) with the HPS so you'll help keep stretching to a minimum. You can place some of your CFLs as side-lighting to do this.

If you have any pics, you should post them so we can check out your grow, when it gets going!
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