Quick question about lighting!!!!


Active Member
One of my plants is about 4-5 days from harvest (according to my trichomes) under 150wHPS lighting, my other plant (which is a better strain) under all CFLs(2700k) has about 2 weeks left till harvest. My question is:Would it affect anything other than the yield of my plant if I switched them so my better strain could get two weeks of better lighting???? I dont want to pull my first plant before the trycs are 50/50 (almost all are cloudy right now).....


Active Member
if all are cloudy right now then your at your peal for thc.

if they start to get amber them the thc starts to go down. you make the call.


Active Member
The hairs are still white except for about 5-10 percent of them, and there are still clear trichs on some of the buds...


Active Member
If I cover my plant with a trashbag for 24-48 hours before harvest will the trichs mature a bit??