quick question about outdoor growing


Well-Known Member
im growing about 15 plants outside and one inside.. all bag seed
ive been growing for atleast a month and a half maybe more i cant rember when i started anymore ... but i no i started all the plants at the same time
my question is why is my indoor plant pushing 18inches while my outdoor plants are between 4-8 inches? do outdoor plants grow slower or sumthing?


well I'm not sure about the east coast but over here on the west coast of B.C. we've had a pretty bad start. A LONG, COLD winter. Most of my outdoor seedling are only about 4 to 6 inches high but have large leaves. I transplanted a few yesterday burying them right to the first set of true leaves. my clone on the other hand is doing quite well. Sorry I can't be of more help. All I can guess is just a slow start to the season.


Well-Known Member
it was a bit cold when i started but its long gone now.. but last week it poured rain 24-7 and i lost 2 plants to flooding... could over watering slow the growth down?
im just curious why i got a big mamma in my room but little babies outside


Well-Known Member
it's all temperature related, colder weather slows growth to a halt, waterlogged roots don't help either.


Active Member
wait till it gets warmer, ur outdoors will flourish... i have the same problem.. been cloudy rainy weather for like 4 days straight... bullshit...i wake up.. think. hopefully my babies will get sunlight... NOPE.. more rain..