Quick question about Peat based soils

For soils that are mainly peat based, is it normal for it to slowly become like one big sponge? Its pretty firm and stuck together, I cant easily stick a finger in the soil like with Cocos for example
I'm running in Canna Terra Pro soil, in fabric pots currently 7 weeks into flower, I've added a gif to demonstrate what I mean.

It still absorbs moisture just fine, this is 24 hours after watering, I water daily as that is what seems to work, I'm using mineral based nutrients so I dont want it to dry out to prevent salt build up



Well-Known Member
Thats because of the roots that completely taken over your medium. If your plant is not droppy and showing defficiencies than its okay and you should be fine. Next time use bigger pot...


Well-Known Member
wait for the root grass, l get it outdoors with promix hp 75gal plastic res as pot. Roots fill to overfill. Mudballs knows, listen to him. Hp is high porosity. Lots of air.your girls roots are about maxed. More roots more fruits.