Quick question about rain

I just started growing and my little plants are about a week old (6 days) and there is suppose to be rain wednesday and thursday i believe. what should i do to make sure my plants do not die from this.
Should i bring them inside?

Advice please
Short answer is yes, bring them inside. If you have more resources, you could make a makeshift greenhouse using tarp and sticks. Be creative.


Well-Known Member
let the storm test the plant you gunna bring them inside when there 8 feet tall if there gunna live outdoors they need to be tough put some support sticks and hope for the best. imo


Active Member
for sure stake them up untill they really start growing one decent rain will tip them seedling right over.. u could also bulid a greenhouse out of some clear 2 litler bottles.


Active Member
If you bring em inside atleast put em in a window or something. Rain could destroy your plants depending on the size, and wind can topple seedlings


Well-Known Member
i agree with the folks who say stake em/support them and let them get used to life outdoors. unless its cold where you are.


if ur in new england... get them girls inside ASAP! we supposed to get 2-5 inches of rain the next cpuple days, and temps in the high 20s-low 30s