Quick question about yields?


Well-Known Member
First time grower with 400 watts of power? ( I would personally use BOTH lights for 800 Watts total). You should yield about an ounce if you do a decent job. Can you yield more? Absolutley, a lot more, but if its your first time, don't expect greatness.


Green Thumb of God
I agree with No Drama.

I also want to say to all the dudes crying about 400 an ounce get real read an issue of high times. They tell you how much an ounce is going for in different parts of the country and 400 is very reasonable. Depending of course on strain and how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
Believable yes, reasonable no.. There are dry native communities up here where you could sell a mickey of vodka for $200.. Is that reasonable in your eyes? Or do you think its taking supply and demand to the point of rape?


Well-Known Member
Not tryin to be mean but if you hate the prices grow it yourself. Yes a lot of people are raping others because of supply and demand thats how it goes. Thing is alot of people dont want to put the time in growing cause it can be very time consuming. So they are left paying huge prices. I can get a lot of herb free just buy trading


Well-Known Member
Love sensi no drama is right though should easily get an ounce you could probably get a lot more like 2.5 to 3 if every thing perfect but dont expect it Free weed is always good


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with $150/Oz.. Even $200.. You'd get laughed at if you asked $400 around here.. At first ppl would think they were laughing with you.. When they realized you were serious they'd be laughing at you..
Heck, only a few months ago that would work out to like $600cdn.. For $600 most ppl would think it was pretty light for a QP..


Green Thumb of God
300 is standard out here but 400 isn't at all out of the question if the weed is really good.

We have cheaper stuff for sure but if you want the good shit street value is 300-400 a Z