So yea, meant to LED a while ago but didn't.
About to order:
4x - BXRC-40E4000-F-23 ( Vero 18 )
The driver should be able to handle as few as 3 and as many as 5 of the vero 18's and go from .5A to 1A, correct? I picked it out a while ago and don't remember. Would there be a cheaper driver that could handle 2-3 vero 18's? I think 2 drivers would better suit my purpose. Ideally wouldn't want to spend twice as much for the convenience.
Also, the vero's come with cob holders and I already have wire, so, nothing special needed there? I think I might need tape to hold them to the heatsink?
Also, is it still the consensus that the most cost effective way to cool such LEDS are the little 15$ cpu heatsinks?
Also, why are these items not sold at the same site? -_-
About to order:
4x - BXRC-40E4000-F-23 ( Vero 18 )
The driver should be able to handle as few as 3 and as many as 5 of the vero 18's and go from .5A to 1A, correct? I picked it out a while ago and don't remember. Would there be a cheaper driver that could handle 2-3 vero 18's? I think 2 drivers would better suit my purpose. Ideally wouldn't want to spend twice as much for the convenience.
Also, the vero's come with cob holders and I already have wire, so, nothing special needed there? I think I might need tape to hold them to the heatsink?
Also, is it still the consensus that the most cost effective way to cool such LEDS are the little 15$ cpu heatsinks?
Also, why are these items not sold at the same site? -_-
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