Quick Question Dwc/Bubbleponics


Hey guys just a quick question I am not too sure how much water I add to my bubbleponics set up? I understand once the roots are coming out to lower the water to 1-2" below the net pot but how full should it be before the roots poke through the net pot and hydrton? Do I have to still water the hydroton like soil until the roots come through?

I am using a 3 foot bubble wand and a 4" airstone without a drip system



Well-Known Member
I would water the hydroton until you get a good root system a few times a day, try not to soak the rockwool or suretogrow cubes. I just give'em a good soaking around the cubes getting all the hydroton wet. I used home made drip rings til I had a good root system dropping out of my 6" net pots. After they got bigger I pulled the drip rings and haven't used them since.

I kept the water level about an inch or two over the bottom of the net pot and as the roots grow out I let the water level drop slowly, not til they're much larger would I drop the level to a few inches deep.Keeping the level near the net pot lets the bubble spray keep the entire net pot wet.


Well-Known Member
When I started my grow...we made sure that hand-watering was done every OTHER day while the seeds were popping. I left a 1-2" gap between the bottoms of my net pots and the surface of the nutrient solution. Over-watering is a dangerous game and you pretty much have to learn to just WAIT and let them grow. With the growth I've witnessed....a few days later and you'll see definate results if you're doing it right;) Happy growing