Quick question! Germination to rockwool +rep


Active Member
I just germinated all my seeds for 3 days and soaked my rockwool cubes, do I sit them in the dark or under my fluorescent light setup as soon as I put it in the rockwool?

I have heard direct under light is fine but I have also heard of waiting for a sprout then doing so under light

thanks and +REP


i put them under the light even if they haven't sprouted that way when they do they immediately get light. just make sure the rockwool cubes don't dry out too much

luvvin growin

Active Member
I put mine back into darkness until the sprout,seedcase,can be seen at the top of the rockwool,then move it under lights.


Well-Known Member
I used to germ with the paper towel method, but recently moved to germing in RW just to cut down on handling. I throw my seeds with the pointy end up in my presoaked RW and throw them in the tray under the dome not under light. 2-3 days later they usually break the surface and right under the light they go. I suppose putting them under light before they sprout wouldn't hurt but I have found that it gets a little too warm with the dome on.


Well-Known Member
HeHe, ya you don't need a dome necessarily, you just don't need to wet the cubes as often if you do, that's all. No worries.


Active Member
fuck that, domes are great to have because its not only essential to have the rockwool moist but you need high moisture also.

domes are good for that, but in all reality domes are not 100% needed but are 100% worth it