quick question on lighting during flowering. can anyone answer?


so i left my closet door open and the lights automatically shut off durring flowering. im third week into flowering and the plants were exposed to the room light for bout half an hour. is this gonna hurt the plant at all?


Active Member
Considering people grow outdoors and there are streelights/moonlight to contend with, I'd say you'll be ok, just avoid doing it in the future.


Well-Known Member
Not meaning to hijack the thread but I have a similar question and don't see the point of making another thread, I too grow in my closet and I like to open the door before I go to sleep so it doesn't get too hot in there when the lights come on (I close it when they go off), I don't open it all the way just cracked a little and I have a TV across the room literally on the opposite side, would the light from only the TV affect my plant at all? I don't think much if any actually gets in to the closet when I open the door but I would just like to be safe.


I doubt it. When a plant is growing outside. At night time, its never really in complete darkness. There's moon light, and like the other guy said, street lights, car lights etc. And with all that light coming from different places and at different times. A outdoor plant will still grow strong with no problem, so you will be ok.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Okay cool, haven't done any indoor before but I currently have a tye of kush clone that I'm waiting on to root.