Quick Question Plus Reply


Active Member
i would just like to kno how big a diffrence it would be
with 150 watt or 250 watt hps rather then 600 watt wich i am going to use for flowering
our can i cheap out and just use all long flourcent tubes for veg


Active Member
i would just like to kno how big a diffrence it would be
with 150 watt or 250 watt hps rather then 600 watt wich i am going to use for flowering
our can i cheap out and just use all long flourcent tubes for veg
Well to be honest with you........ Less watt's Less Yield especially when your talking about a 150-250 Watt to jump to a 600 watt. Lowest I ever used is a 400 watt Halide for veg for like 1 month lol then right back to my 1000 watt. 150-250 watts may grow about 1 foot in 1 month. My 1k got em there in 6 days. Plants use light for photosynthesis. It is like you trying to gain weight only eating 1000 calories a day and working out all day... Not gonna happen very quickly. Or you can eat 15,000 calories a day and turn into the Hulkster ( HULKAMANIA ) lol. Anyways plants also can only absorb so much light per area and the only light that maxes out their light intake is the sun. So from experience the more wattage the better if your looking for faster Veg. Also do the math to if it takes 1 month to go 1 foot on a 150-250 watt light and only 2 weeks with a 600 your almost using the same electricity. 250 x 18 hours x 30 days = 135,000 watts. 600 watts x 18 hours x 14 days = 151,200... Not to much of a difference there...... except instead of using that last 2 weeks worth of 67,500 watts you would only use at 600 watts x 12 hours ( because now your in flowering cycle ) x 14 days = 100,800 difference of 33,300 watts or about 25-33 bux more to have them veg faster and get a quicker turn around.



Active Member
that is kinda what i thought i was going to use 600 watts all around but then the wife brought up how much i would be using and so on lol i knew forsure it matters in the flowering cycle i was just hoping to save some arguing


Well-Known Member
it also depends on how many plants and how big. it wont make much difference in yeild between a 250 and 600 if you are doing 2 plants.7-8 plants is another story.