quick question quick answer


Active Member
hey if i planted some seeds a few days ago and the temp got in the low 40's later in the week should i be worried about my plants dyin?


Active Member
They are pretty resilient, as long as they didn't freeze you should be ok. Seeds need warmth the germinate properly so likely you've just slowed the germinationn down. Not a good way to start though.


Active Member
yeah i hear that. right now temps are in the 70's and 80's but theres gonna be 1 more drop in temps but after that i should be in the clear


Well-Known Member
We had a horrible spring in our region last year and my seedlings resisted through 40/45° rainy weather for 12/14 days with a 75% success rate even though I thought they were all goners, and that was in early April! i they resist and establish themselves this early they will be fatties!!!!!!!!! Once they get past the critical stage of embedding themselves into the ground there ain't no way to stop em, early March, compliments, you must be in the southeast/west or Cali... let's hope they all pull through! Shit... With temps in the mid 70's during the day they should be more than fine, just a little growth stunt thanks to the 40's, just hope the weather holds out.


Active Member
yeah i saw the weather gettin nicer and nicer and it was hard to resist to plant atleast 1 or 2. hopefully they hold out ill have my fingers crossed.