quick question regarding temp


I'm after a few opinions, this is the situation.

I have a small space which I've been growing in under a 250w hps, all good. I just got lent a 600w hps but after putting it in the space the temps are hitting 90 degrees. now...

Assuming i can't do anything to lower the temperature in the room, do you think it would be better to keep the 600w and high temps or go back to the 250w?

Any inputs welcome, thanks.



Well-Known Member
When you get to temperatures that consistently hit around 90 that slows growth and could lead to absence of growth. Not to mention the ambient room temperature difference when your lights are on and off would be huge. Also temperatures that high causes heat stress. Your ladies could hermaphrodie. Your buds will be airier.


also depending on where i put my thermometer i get 15 degree variation in temp, 80-95 deg. any advise on where to put it would also be appreciated


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
also depending on where i put my thermometer i get 15 degree variation in temp, 80-95 deg. any advise on where to put it would also be appreciated
I place my thermometer where the top of my plants are. At the canopy is where I want to know the temp as that should be the hottest from the plant's perspective.


I place my thermometer where the top of my plants are. At the canopy is where I want to know the temp as that should be the hottest from the plant's perspective.
makes sense. I might have to switch back to the 250 tomo at this rate. cheers people, all the inputs welcome