Quick question

conor c

Well-Known Member
If you cross a semi auto strain to a auto is the resulting progeny gonna be auto dominant or will there still be a mix thanks in advance :bigjoint:
What's a 'semi- auto' @conor c ..?

If you breed a auto with anything but an auto it will be a photo (with recessive genes)

Semi autos are very early photoperiod strains with enough auto genes to make them flower before the photoperiod hits say 12 12 but they arent fully autos they dont self flip straight after 4 weeks unless cos not much light so pretty much if you wanna grow photo strains outdoors in the uk or anywhere that sucks weather wise these are what u would grow
Think of a semi auto as just having a really long stretch phase but it's still an auto if it flowers with short or no dark periods.

For example, I ran a photo GMO cut that had a 4 week stretch after flip to 12/12. So if you had genetics that make for a long stretch combined with auto flower genes you get a semi auto.
Then the answer to your question is that the auto flowering gene is a recessive trait.

This might help you understand where I am going with this.

Yeah mate im aware its a recessive trait i thought this is how the seed companies produce the xxl autos as they call it by crossing a semi auto to a auto then making selections to reinforce the said auto trait unless i read something wrong somwhere lol
Some semi-auto landrace strains that finish in August - early September.

Moroccan Ketama
Egyptian Sinai

There's more but those are just off the top of my head.

Thanks but
i was thinking of crossing friesland indica to a mould resistant ak variant auto strain after i do seed run of that first for preservation etc i had picked up the friesland for its hardiness and ease of growth and its semi auto traits i wanna work that outdoors aiming to make my own xxl auto as its got more chance handling the amount of rain we get over here than say a semi auto or photo or so the theory goes lol
Some semi-auto landrace strains that finish in August - early September.

Moroccan Ketama
Egyptian Sinai

There's more but those are just off the top of my head.
Would you happen to have any idea how Egyptian Sinai would fare through a mild winter of 60 F days and 40 F nights?
Would you happen to have any idea how Egyptian Sinai would fare through a mild winter of 60 F days and 40 F nights?
Cool temperatures will slow growth and reduce yields but if you don't have a hard freeze they will live. Aside from that my biggest concern would be humidity. Cool air holds less water. If the humidity gets above 50% you could end up with bud rot on the larger buds.
Would you happen to have any idea how Egyptian Sinai would fare through a mild winter of 60 F days and 40 F nights?

This is part of the description from RSC.

"This Sinai landrace is very hardy due to the demanding conditions in Egypt’s mountains, which range from 50°c and high humidity in summer to dry, freezing conditions in winter. "

I think it would grow in a mild winter like you describe however as @Renfro has stated the growth will be slower than if it was grown during warmer parts of the year.

Good luck.
This is part of the description from RSC.

"This Sinai landrace is very hardy due to the demanding conditions in Egypt’s mountains, which range from 50°c and high humidity in summer to dry, freezing conditions in winter. "

I think it would grow in a mild winter like you describe however as @Renfro has stated the growth will be slower than if it was grown during warmer parts of the year.

Good luck.
hey, thanks for the reply. I'd read the RSC description too and was confused at first but I think it makes sense now. At first I'd never heard of weed plants naturally flowering during winter, so saying it could survive freezing winters meant nothing if it's a seed, but given that this plant is a semi-auto it makes sense that some seeds would eventually sprout in a time such that the plant grows and flowers during winter

Appreciate y'all