Quick Question


Active Member
:spew:I'v grown two great grows i'v only used cfl's How much space is ideal for hps lights and can you trim fan leaves if the plant is allready in bloom the leaves are blocking up parts of the plant:weed:


Well-Known Member
It depends on how many watts you decide to go with, what are the dimensions of your room?

I wouldn't recommend trimming leaves because it cause the plant some shock.



Active Member
5x5 is the demensions I'm working on a bigger space like the size of a small bedroom
thinking since theirs only one plant at this time a 150 watt


Well-Known Member
1000W is large for a 5x5, I would go with a 600W. I have a 6x8 room I am using right now for 6 plants and the 600 is awesome. If you do decide to change to a small bedroom then I would suggest 1-2 1000W

How many plants are you planning on growing?

Do you have plans for ventilation?



Active Member
I have a mother plant that is about 3 foot tall and i have one thats in bloom both using cfl's different timers in different areas i want to start cloneing the mother plant i also have sprouts in a different area so i'm looking at maybe 10-15 the demensions of the room is about 7ft width 9ft length it's in a finished attic in my house i was useing for storage for my sister well she moved out so i have a good amount of space to grow now not just in my closet in around my room (some getto looking shit but it works) now i want hps i might use the 600 watt it sounds sexy lol or 2 any input:-|