Quick Question

i WANT to have a 6 plant hydroponic system useing dwc but i am not sure if a 3 gallon tote is enough for 6 plants... and 8 gallons seems like the tote would bend outward trying to carry all that liquid water... and amazon only sells 5 gallon totes by the dozen.... not cool at all... and i thought about getting an even larger but sturdier tote but i'm affraid the lid is simply too thick for the system... wtf am i going to do? someone... should i go with 3 gallons and reduce to 4 or less plants... go with the dozen 5 gallon totes and save the other 11 untill i either want to expand or need to store some shit... buy the 8 gallon tote and make wooden support beams to keep it together... or do i TRY this uber tote "rubbermaid 1191 actionpacker, 35 gallon" anything you say that can be helpful in my decision would be greatly appreciated ^^ ty ty tyvm


go with 6 indivual 5 gal buckets. 2 pumps. 3 gal of nuterient water per bucket. 1 airstone per bucket. and get the 5 gal bucket lids with the 6 inch netpots in it. fill 1/3 with hydroton. place ur baby. surround with hydroton to make stable. then let it do its thing thank you for not growing in soil
problem with individual buckets is that i dont have the space for such a set-up... i MIGHT have room for 2... if i change location or they succeed in makeing marijuana legal here... then i would have done that to start with... i got about 2 years to get all this shit together... so i have plenty of time to decide what i am going to do....
thank you for being the first person to reply on my post ^^

soil is just not good enough... idk i am much more interested in hydroponics than dirt... just so much more interesting

also i'd like to disscuss with you some of the things i have trouble understanding... having to do with emptying out my hydro system and filling it back up... and i'm rather confused about the process of seed-mature... which i can explain in more detail.....

i dont understand how water is going to get to my clones if they haven't rooted far enough to get into the water... could ya explain to me what i am missing... this crucial information that i am trying to get but keep drawing up a blank...


Legal Moderator, Esq.
You have to have a top drip to get water to the clones in a proper set up. I've seen it done a lot of ways but that's the one I've seen most often. Hydroponics is more interesting, but I wouldn't ever call soil not good enough. On the one hand you have complete control over what your plants get as far as nourishment, but on the other hand you are relying on a much more complicated system with pumps and tubing and there are more things that could go wrong quickly. If you're waiting 2 years, you might wanna consider getting something like this http://www.amazon.com/Hydrofarm-EMSYST-Emilys-Garden-System/dp/B000053F9E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1306138384&sr=8-1 and growing some thyme and sage or even if you have access to it cutting clones from a rose bush, to get the hang of it, get a little experience under your belt, probably would answer a lot of your own questions. There's also a really good hydro vid in the newbie section. Here's a 5 gallon tote only http://www.housewaresandbeyond.com/p14850-Sterilite-1819-5-Gallon-Tote-Box.html . I have tried to use sterilite for grow boxes though, and they aren't really the strongest. If they won't support 6 26W cfl's I'd be worried about them keeping your girls up.
thanks man and i didn't mean soil isn't good enough for weed i meant soil isn't good enough for me ^^ but i suppose i would have a lot less problems if i use soil instead of this dwc hydroponics system i'm trying to get set-up