Quick Question...


Active Member
this is my first real grow...I have done some bs grows in the past and pc grow a few years ago best one I did but anyways I started some seeds a few days ago on like Sunday of last week the first one was putt in soil (fox farm seed starter soil I am using) well I was thinking why haven't they pop quick/break soil like all the other times I did it so got me thinking about it...So i putt a bag over the cups to create a dome to get temp/humidity up boom 12 hours later they are all breaking soil/out of the shell and like 1/4 inch... Now I am not sure how long I should leave the bags on the cups any thought's would be good...

Veg tent setup
32x32x63 inches
Lighting T5 4 bulbs 4 FT 8000 lumems 6400K
venting: 6 inch ducting exhaust 150 CFM and desk fan inside..
no intake just vents ports on side of the tent are open...
Temps when lights on are 78-83 F depends on time of day in my room and when they are off sits at like 74-77 F
humidity is a little low like 20% why i putt bags on them...

that's my setup so if you guys have any info when i should take the bags off the cups? that would great or any other input you wanna give...


Well-Known Member
Im still a novice myself but if it were me I would take them off now let them breath just my 2c. good luck.:) and happy growing


Well-Known Member
Once seeds have germinated and broken the surface of the soil they are pretty tender and vulnerable.

Bags over them, where they are in an extremely humid environment that first week of life, pretty much assures damping off problems. i.e. seedling mrtality.



Active Member
the bags have only been on for less 24 hours and they are not even a week old from planting and most of them but two didn't break soil until 12 hours after i putt the bag on them last night just trying to give you guys all the info I can...just seening what you guys think when i should take them off? they are helping speeding this part up...they look really good so far...


Well-Known Member
Take the bags off now in my opinion. Once they break soil they do not need them. I would also add a fan with a very mild breeze, maybe an indirect breeze in a day or two.


Active Member
Take the bags off now in my opinion. Once they break soil they do not need them. I would also add a fan with a very mild breeze, maybe an indirect breeze in a day or two.
Yeah i took three off and in little bit taking the other two off... yeah i do have alittle 3-4 inch desk fan blow around it not right on there but thanks for input...