Quick Question


Well-Known Member
Indica tend to grow shorter and broader leafs
Sativa tend to grow tall and have skinny leafs

The "High" is also differant. A simple google would answer all your question


Active Member
May be some pics would do good!
The difference is big(smoking , look,temps for growing)
The indicas are more bushy with wide leaf's fingers , sativas get taller , not so bushy, and have thin finger leafs.But there are so much strains that are crossed indica/sativa...so post some pics if you wanna know!


Active Member
I know that Sativa gives a trippy head high and, Indica gives more of a body numbing high... I would have glady posted pics, i just don't have a camera at hand.


Active Member
Indica tend to grow shorter and broader leafs
Sativa tend to grow tall and have skinny leafs

The "High" is also differant. A simple google would answer all your question
I've came to the conlusion it's most likely Sativa..
Damn just my luck


Well-Known Member
haha.. is it from bagseed?!...most commercial growers grow sativas because of the larger amount's of buds!