quick question


Well-Known Member
ok i put my plants into flowering about 2 1/2 weeks ago i think they are budding but the buds look a little weird little balls are forming under the bud is this seeds? or what is this?


Active Member
you could have a hermaphrodite. a plant with male and females sexes. you could pinch the balls off but if you have other plants you run the risk of pollination. best bet would be to kill the bastard and start again.


Well-Known Member
ok i picked all the SAC's off i also see some buds forming at the bottom of the plant so i guess thats a good thing :P


Well-Known Member
buds are always a good thing Darksys... I wasn't trying to sound like an ass earlier, just commenting you have a tall and lengthy plant. It makes light penetration easier without having to prune. Best of luck to ya and I hope u end up with all girls..


they look like males to me start a few more seeds asap the sooner you get going the better. if this is a first attempt maybe try some experiments to build confidence.
i learned to clone using some males i had insted of using good females.


Well-Known Member
yes this is my 2nd grow attempt this is the farthest ive gotten so far i believe they are both hermies but i picked the sacs off i see buds devoloping at the bottom of the plants im hope for any kind of crop


Well-Known Member
If its the only plants you got I would say keep em instead of throwing em out that way you will at least have some pot.. and some extra growing experience.