Quick Questions :)


Well-Known Member
Ok so I smoke but ive never really thought much about growing before. I have read a little here and there on this site and have gotten like addicted to it :mrgreen:. So I found a couple random seeds in the last batch of chronic I got and tried to germinate them, and out of like 6, 2 cracked open, I'm so excited. So from this point do I just put them in soil? I don't use a medium do I (like a rock wool cube) because arnt those primarily for clones. My friend has a single T5 light that he said I can use. Was just going to set it up in my closet with a fan and some tinfoil on the walls. Any input would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!!!

p.s. what size pot should I use originally for my germinated seeds?



Well-Known Member
i like jiffy mix to start out with then i transfer into 3 gal. pots but u can also start them in smaller pots if there is a space constraint


Well-Known Member
space isnt to huge of an issue seeing as its just two plants. I just dont wanna plant the seedling into to big of a pot cause wont that stress it? Dont you start small then transplant? Im just going to hang the T5 from the closet celing. 3 inches above the plants correct? and at this stage its 18 hours on and 6 off correct? So yeah just not sure what size to drop the seedlings into. Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
i use those little jiffy mix things cause when ur ready to transplant all u do i tear off the pot and plug it in, lot of people use plastic cups tho, and yes 18/6 to start


Active Member
hey ru8fru
Firstly just soil will be fine although for better results you might want to invest in some compost and preferably some vermaculite or perlite to mix it with. Marijuana will grow in a large range of environments but if you want healthy plants that yield well you need to control the environment more.

With the above in mind a single T5 light is really not going to provide enough light. If your on a tight budget invest in some warm white spectrum compact flourescents (highest power you can find) at least for the flowering stage. Your going to want to aim for 2000 lumens per square foot at the very least. If your not on a budget and you have a large enough closet (large enough is like at least 60cm x 60 cm x 200cm - height is the most important) then buy a 250watt/400watt HPS light dependent on size (I'd say if it was 80cm x 80 cm x 200cm or above get a 400watt HPS - you could grow 4 plants in that space. If your closet doesn't have the height space/ 60cmx60cm base area buy a 200watt envirolight or two (one would probably have to hang vertically if you have space restrictions).

If your plant has enough light to grow at a fair rate you're going to need one gallon pots to start with - you use these up until sexing and then transplant into 3-4 gallon pots afterwards. rule of thumb says that 1 gallon is enough for 1 foot of growth.

Just a quick note on the seeds - watch out fo hermies if the seed was found in your chronic.
- peace


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for the replies everyone. Well I have a couple thoughts. I live in an apt. with my girlfriend. I have about 4 more months on my current lease but we are thinking of renewing it. For a full grow, how long does it take, through all of the vegatative and flowering stages? like 6 months? I'm Basically just doing this to get my feet wet a little bit. I have some money to drop into this. How much would one of those hps lights cost me? Also after I learn more and decide im serious about this im just going to buy some seeds, probably from bcseedking. Is there a certain strain thats really good for newbies? lol, I was really into the ice strain. Well thanks again sooooo much for the help and support. I'm going to wait one more night to see if any more seeds crack then Ill get some plastic cups and some soil and set my room up. Thanks again!


Active Member
3-4 months depending on strain and conditions.

you can get HPS lights in the UK for around £80

with my grow which is northern lights x bigbud using a couple of envirolights
1 week as seedling
4 weeks in veg
8 weeks in flower
== 3 months

I don't know much about strains I'm only on my second grow myself. From what I gather indica strains are best for beginners (they finish earlier and don't grow as tall and spindly under bellow optimal light levels than sativas). I'm sure you'll be fine with Ice!


Well-Known Member
lol, year i heard indica is better for indoor growing, I think sativa requires more light as well. I dunno i suppose ill just search around for dank indica strains then, hope ice is indica :O.. Thanks so much for your help!!!!



Well-Known Member
another question, so I got a couple seeds and germinated them, a couple cracked. Then I got more seeds can I just toss them in with the ones that are already germinated (cracked) or should I just do a new one? Like will the cracked seeds like mold or go bad if I dont plant them in a certain amount of time? Feedback appreciated!!

Thanks!! :blsmoke:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
USe at least 2 gallon pots with 1 seed per pot.You dont have to have rockwool for seeds but can be used.Poke a hole about 1/2 inch deep with root facing down then lightly cover with soil.You can use miracle grow moisture control and then you dont even have to feed the first 3 months.Soil and seed together is the longest way to do a grow possible.Yes and you will need more light that one T5 will barely get the 2 new seedling to pop out. You want it to be as close to the plants as possible touching the leaves is fine with these lights. You can get a good deal on lights at Maryland Hydroponics or OpenDNS .I reccomned the digital 600 watt setups at marylandhydro as they are digital, silent running, runs both mh and hps bulbs,uses less electricity then magnetic ballasts and are over clocked so they give off 640 watts of lights.


i would recomend ditching the tin foil and finding a good hydroponics store and getting some reflective mylar or panda film instead of the foil. aluminum foil reflects light in all different angles and also can absorb heat and burn your plants. now when i was buying seeds i looked at ice too but its a indica sativa mix and i was told its not a good strain for beginers. i started off with widow skunk seeds that i bought from worldwidemarijuannaseeds.com i highly highly endorse that seed store. they have fast shipping to the U.S.A mine took exactly a week to arrive in my mail box and were shipped very stealth. also the store owner will aleviate all your paranoia because they stay in contact with you via email the entire time and answer any questions you have. i think your going to do well post some pictures and keep us updated brother!!


Well-Known Member
thanks so much for the input everyone!!! so I'm trying to get a couple more of these randoms seeds to germinate so I'll probably end up waiting a couple more days before I plant them. So am I going to need one 600 watt HPS light or more than that? Also will a light like that work for both stages, as in work through vegatative stage and flowering stage or will I need to get new bulbs? Lights are the thing im stressing on the most right now, and how much my electricity bill is going to rise. Thanks again!!! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ok so I woke up this morning and a couple more seeds have cracked. I was going to goto some random garden store today and get some soil and some plastic cups. Was going to look at lights while I was there. And a substitute for the aluminum foil. Let me know whats up!!! Thanks!!



Well-Known Member
how big is the one t5?
2 ft or 4 ft
2,4, or 8 bulb

a lot of people have great success with t5s so you may want to do a little browsing in the grow journal area and check them out. they are HID lights so they are not your typical fluorescent


Well-Known Member
Id just take a picutre but I cant find my friggen digital camera. Ill try to explain it. I believe its just a single bulb T5. I have two different lights for it though. One is a 54 W, Color Temperature: 6400K, Initial Lumens: 5100. And I believe the other one came with the origional T5. It's 4 foot. And it looks like it cost $ 49.99.

Sorry I cant be more help, not really sure. Does any of that make sense? lol :blsmoke:


i think thats probably sufficent to start out with .you will probably need to upgrade to a bigger t-5 or a 400w hps later in about three or four weeks. but im pretty much in the same boat as you i have been using a 2 bulb four foot t-5 for a week now and really like seeing the growth it has produced. also i heard t-5s are even better for vegging clones. maybe get a couple of daylight 26w cfls to use side by side with the t-5.


Well-Known Member
ok word. well ill just hang the T5 I have from the ceiling of my closet. I'm going to have to get soil from some form of gardening store, ill see if they have any hps lights while im there. Also which bulb should I use, I have two for the T5, but I think only one fits in there at a time. One more thing. Someone said something about getting like mylar film or something instead of aluminum foil. I have two things of nutes already, and a timer for the T5, Just need to get a fan and some stuff to hang the light.

Thanks a bunch!!!!!! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Just went to the garden supply store. They had a sweet hydroponic setup for like 250, pretty sweet. Well I got some plastic cups and soil. and some chain to hang the T5 from. Just going to drop the seedlings in the soil and turn the puppy on.


Well-Known Member
Ok I just dropped the seedlings in. Put them about 2 inches down into the soil (doing these in red plastic cups) Do I need to water these for them to sprout or will the soil be wet enough to begin with or what? and if I water how much should I put in? Input appreciated, Thanks!!

P.S. Ill have some pics posted up real soon.
