Quick, simple deficiency question..


Active Member
Hey guys, I've got a few organic plants that are almost a month old now and I started them in some of my organic mix from the previous grow because it still seemed to have some nutrients left in it so I figured it would be a lighter mix that would be good for seedlings/new plants until I pot up. Well theve been doing well but I started to notice some lower leaves turning yellow and is still progressing. I've got about a week to 10 days before I pot up with a great living organic mix.( The revs to mix, close to sub cool mix) I made a worm castings tea, 1cup ewc, 1tbl spoon of unsulfured molasses, 1gal clean water. airiated for almost 24hrs, two mornings ago. There not doing bad, just have slowed down. I was hoping it would pick them up a bit at least until I pot up but they seem to almost be smothered a little after the tea.. leaves arnt as perky. Just looking for some advice if I need to do something or let it ride until I pot up. Here are some pics.



Active Member
Thanks,i assumed it was just wanted another opinion. I have some organic Alaskan fish fert, a mild nitrogen fert I'm thinking about using next water if they don't pick up. I've just had it for probably 9months or so in my fridge so I'm not sure if it's went bad.. doesn't smell bad or anything so its a option.