Quick Soil Question/Help


Well-Known Member
I'll try to get some pictures up after the lights come back on. around 7 pm pacific time. (have to find the camera first) I'm going to try and make the guy take them back because I haven't paid him yet. If he will then they're gone.

Edit: The temps have been between 69 and 82 and the humidity has been between 40 and 55% (One day it dropped to 32% and stayed there for a day) according to my research those are numbers not really known to be favorable to mold and the like... Could it be just that they are stressed and that acted to lower their resistance to disease and such?
Chill dude and post some pics, rome wasnt built in a day so take it easy. Mold and stuff is easy to deal with and not really likely to happen but it dose from time to time, post pics first though before you decide or do anything. I wouldnt trash any plants but i would concentrate on your seedlings, post pics of these too and lets make sure there sweet as well.

Dont panic is rule number one, kill more plants that way. Peace


Well-Known Member
Nerd I disagree with dirty.. powdery mildew is not something to play with ... especially if you have other plants growing that you care about.... Read into powdery mildew and what it has done to peoples gardens...

If you get a chance post a picture of the mildew or mold so we can verify what it is

Nerd I understand the money thing .. that blow bro.. but in the long run they are gonna cost you more then 30 each if they infect you youngins :(
I kinda thought things like powdery mildew were every where in the air anyway, sterile environments are hard to come by even in labs. Most mold needs water and heat or at least certain conditions to grow, you just dont promote or have these conditions is good enough to not have a problem. I use to make sourdough bread and basically the yeast is originally from airborn spores, every region where the bread is made will have different subtle tastes due to the varying nature of mold and bateria spores. Everyday you feed them flour and water and they multiply till they are able to produce enough Co2 to raise a loaf of bread. All you do to start is mix flour and water and let sit for 24 hours, next day change half for fresh flour and water, do this every day till populations of yeast bacteria increase enough and that makes a damn good sourdough bread, alas my bread making days are over till i can afford a proper dutch oven or bread oven, moisture is key to making a nice soft loaf and home fan ovens really lack that. Anyway the moral to my story is mold, fungus and bacteria spores are everywhere in the air anyway, just dont promote conditions where they like to multiply. Peace


Well-Known Member
Thats true king.. BUt lets say he saves these plants.. and keeps conditions good enough to keep the mildew at bay... Anytime the plants are stressed its gonna come back... When hes in late flower.. any time a bud gets dense or a corner doesnt get air flow .. its gonna come back...

Its a headache that a new grower doesnt need.. and it will ruin crops.

King this is not sourdough bread.. Have you had powdery mildew??? do you know what it takes to control powdery mildew in a plant that has it? do you know over watering .. underwatering .. over feeding ... under feeding just about anything can trigger mildew to reappear in a infected plant?

Once you have a plant that has active spores forming on the leaves.. it is breeding and it is in the plant systemically .. there is no way to rid of it during late flower without .. sulfer burners.. sprays .. dehumidifiers ect ect ect..

Him keeping these mite infested ... mildew infested plants is gonna ruin any chance of having a sucessesful grow in the future with the other plants he already has started that are in good condition.
With the amount of post you have .. I would think that you of all people would see that the condition of these plants is not worth the damage that they can do to his other genetics and grow area..

LIKE I said.... keep a journal.. and lets see how it comes out.. this is all my opinion.... If you already had these plants for a while.. you had hundreds of dollars invested in them.. you were 6 weeks into flower ect.. IT WOULD BE WORTH FIGHTING .. but right now if you scrap them and start fresh .. your only loosing a couple weeks until your new plants or ready to flower .. im just filling you in on what will happen!


Well-Known Member
Thats true king.. BUt lets say he saves these plants.. and keeps conditions good enough to keep the mildew at bay... Anytime the plants are stressed its gonna come back... When hes in late flower.. any time a bud gets dense or a corner doesnt get air flow .. its gonna come back...

Its a headache that a new grower doesnt need.. and it will ruin crops.

King this is not sourdough bread.. Have you had powdery mildew??? do you know what it takes to control powdery mildew in a plant that has it? do you know over watering .. underwatering .. over feeding ... under feeding just about anything can trigger mildew to reappear in a infected plant?

Once you have a plant that has active spores forming on the leaves.. it is breeding and it is in the plant systemically .. there is no way to rid of it during late flower without .. sulfer burners.. sprays .. dehumidifiers ect ect ect..

Him keeping these mite infested ... mildew infested plants is gonna ruin any chance of having a sucessesful grow in the future with the other plants he already has started that are in good condition.
With the amount of post you have .. I would think that you of all people would see that the condition of these plants is not worth the damage that they can do to his other genetics and grow area..

LIKE I said.... keep a journal.. and lets see how it comes out.. this is all my opinion.... If you already had these plants for a while.. you had hundreds of dollars invested in them.. you were 6 weeks into flower ect.. IT WOULD BE WORTH FIGHTING .. but right now if you scrap them and start fresh .. your only loosing a couple weeks until your new plants or ready to flower .. im just filling you in on what will happen!
I didnt want to stop him doing anything he wanted to do, he keeps them he keeps them but pics would be good to see this powdery mildew first, outside i get a lot worse than powdery mildew so its cool, just stop the conditions that promoted it not trash plants is best. I dont know what his conditions are nor wether he really has powdery mildew and i thought he solved the mite problem.

There was a lot to work through and take in here, why panic?? I seen some close to death plants he said he has improved and some good looking seedlings, the rest is just all hearsay and whatever. One step at a time and post count means nothing except you like to talk some, wasn't having a go and appreciate your opinions but yer lets have some pics first and lets see how the seedlings are doing as well before we panic and kill anything. Peace


Well-Known Member
There are some pics of the seedlings above.. they look healthy and like hes doing a good job... but if you go through and look at the plants he purchased.. hes just being set up for disaster ... Once you see the powdery mildew on a plant... it is already in the plant systemically .. so if he WAITS to see if the seedlings get it.. it will be too late. When you see the mildew with your eyes .. that means it is already reproducing and has already been inside the host plant for some time....

BUT lets say that its not powdery mildew... Just looking at the pictures of the plants.. they are not worth trying to recover.. they have no foilage... they are stretched beyond belief .. they have all kinds of deficient leaves.. mites have been eating them meaning that there are now eggs in the house and in the carpet.. on his clothes.. in his car... ect.. the longer the plants are there .. the worse its gonna get.

I would be all for saving the girls.. if they were WORTH saving.. but they are not.. they look horrible.. they will produce hardly anything .. since they have nearly NOOO budsites.. They dont have the strength to even hold buds if they formed...

He is gonna waste time and money that is just gonna put him behind.. He needs to kill the fucked up plants.. clean the room.. make sure that everything is clean so his HEALTHY seedlings can get a fair chance at life.

ITS HIS FIRST GROW.. its hard enough to get through your first grow starting with GOOD clones or seeds.. NOW he has plants hes trying to fix that even a veteran of growing wouldnt fuck with .... Mildew and mites are not something to play with..

I know what your saying about panic king.. I just disagree that this is a good time to panic... if he doesnt correct things now... clean the room and start over with his healthy seedlings.. he is being set up for failure...

ALL I ASK since i have been arguing reading and talking for a couple days on this thead.. is that if you guys dont take my advice and get those phucked up time bomb plants out... PLEASE keep a journal so I can atleast say I TOLD YOU SO lol.

Check my threads and post .. im all for helping people .. BUT i dont want to see a grower set himself up for failure.. it seems like he has the aptitude to use the forum for help.. and I think if he starts with the good healthy seedlings.. he can succeed .. but if he start with powdery mildew stretched defecient spidermited plants.. he is just setting himself up for letdown failure and will prob never succeed at his own homegrown.

Seems his budget is limited and fighting all these plants problems are gonna cost more then its worth .... You could flower 12/12 from seed and pull WAY more weight then flowering those unhealthy palm tree looking mite infested mildew deficient plants.

Nerd.. If you need me to I can show you what a plant that size would look like...

I know you got ripped off.. and it sucks.. your a new grower.. it happens.. but dont set urself up for more failure.. Trust me .. read my journals.. read the journals of the people I have helped...Good luck bro

( no disrespect to you king.. hope I didnt rub you the wrong way.. I just hate seeing a new grow deal with stuff like this.. and I feel telling him to keep the plants around is gonna ruin the chances of his seedlings which look healthy above.. doing well)


Well-Known Member
Damn dude from the pictures looks like you got mad spider mite damage.
And from mad, I mean like 50-100% infestation.
you should cut your loss and spray down your entire house.
keep pets and everything away from your plants.
dont wear your shoes anywhere near your plants.

I saw like four dots on my plants and treated them asap, and still had some trouble.
Hell no I don't want them. Thats the white flag for me. I'm going to talk to the guy tomorrow... and try to get out of it... I just checked them with a scope and yeah, they're infected. I don't want to risk it and I doubt they would fare well against mold treatment. That's what I get for taking a bad deal eh? Just wish that socal guy was closer. -_-'

I'll still put up pictures but again I have to locate the camera. A roommate has misplaced it.


Well-Known Member
well I hope you can get those seedlings on your their way.. if you need help.. feel free to ask .. were here for you bro!.. Once they are gone try to clean the area as much as possible.. Bleach and water will kill mold spores.. and for the mites you can bug bomb the area or Hot shot no pest strip it.. before you put your new girls in there...

Good luck bro!


Active Member
I agree with alotaball and steezz, scrap em, douse the room/area. Also, dont let this problem discourage you mate. Once you overcome this hurdle, the rest wont be as bad. Cheers.
A few things I would like to clear up... First there will be nothing in my car... simply cause i sold it for a mountain bike. (Best decision I have made in a long time) Secondly, this is not my first grow. I have plenty of experience with vegetables and I've grown cannabis once before. I grew two plants (Endless Sky/Grenadine) under Four CFLs (The large kind, 2x2.3k and 2x6.4k) If I hadn't been greedy it would have produced 2 oz total, but dried I gout about 1.5 oz... Someone who is used to G-13 said it was among the best he'd ever had (all was consumed privately or gifted to close friends/family) all raving reviews. I even have 2 of those stashed somewhere I just have to find them. I say this not with the intention of being a pompous prick, more like that is what i did on my first try. Now, my game plan for the next couple of days...
1. I'm going to look into live predators and unleash a ton of them. Many times more than needed given the area 4x4.
2. If some of you say it is easy to control, it being mold/mildew/etc, then let's hear your solution and let me decide given prior knowlege/research.
3. Take this day by day

Also, my set up is now complete. The babies are in another room and were handled as cleanly as possible. Changing clothes and so on. The seedlings are doing fine I can keep them alive if my level of psycho OCD is applied from the get go. His idea of a good plant is just lazy and a crappy business practice (I'll never go back, i've seen his work and no thanks!)

My full set up (well, minus cloning station, but I don't need that yet) I now have:
Flower tent 4x4
- 6ooW Phantom ballast
- Hydrofarm 6" A/C Hood
- 600W 3K SunPulse bulb
- 400 cfm fan pulling air throught the light and pushing into a charcoal filter Can#33

Veg tent
- 400W Phantom ballast
- Hydrofarm 6" A/C Hood
-400W 6.4k SunPulse bulb
- 400 cfm fan pulling air through the light and venting into the room with a fan blowing outside

Eventually I'll get a cloning station and get a hood for my 2x 125W CFL lights 6.4K

Of course when these things are gone everything will be sterilized.
Please no need to argue everyone's input is welcome and let me do the deciding eh? I actually took the time to learn traditional logic and such. Want a good read that will make you smarter... Then read a book called the Trivium. It's an extensive teaching of classical logic and how to identify logical fallicies (know how to tell when someone is bullshitting you)

But back to the matter at hand, There are a lot of white hairs starting to form. Flower development has seriously begun. Camera is still MIA sorry guys...
Also, seeds are on their way. 10x Herijuana IBL and 5x Fem Kolossus (CANT WAIT!!!! giddy school girl) Really good genetics will be fun.
With all that in mind I went over everything with a magnification scope and the infestation has been severely knocked down. I just treated again with azamax and removed the really bad leaves. If anyone has an idea on how to prevent the mold or whatever from coming back I'm all ears. I do need to get those predators soon and that will finish off the little bastards... This may yet be salvageable because I am seeing some good bud development now. Considering the stress levels and that they're only a week and some change into flowering.

Camera still MIA...
This is Identical to what I saw on some of the crappy fan leaves

View attachment 1744114But nowhere near as bad...
I am going to try something that has a lot of good feedback... and it's cheap and not at all toxic...
Foliar spray milk/water 50/50... If it works, then friggin' awesome.


Well-Known Member
Ya thats powdery mildew... understand that mik water... baking soda water.. whatever cure you use.. might help.. but the plant will ALWAYS have it...

Your so determined to keep those plants... im done talking about why you shouldnt.. Im just watching from here on out.. lets see how this ends up ....

ps.. milk and water will not kill mites or stop deficiencies.. or create budsite.. or reduce the stretch that your plant has.

pss... mites reproduce every 3 days and become sexually mature after 5 days.. One female can create a million mites in the matter of months... they also develop resistence to certain pesticides... YOU CAN BEAT them .. but it takes persistence and money usually ...



Well-Known Member
I guess I can respect you for wanting to keep them so bad, and trying to fix the problem... but to be honest man, this is what my plant looked like when I freaked out about spider mites, and I still was going to trash her just for the simple fact she had a chance of infecting my other plants.
Now look at your plants man, it's almost reverse. Your plants look like they are yellow with green spidermite damage, just because you have so much.
You see, I found like 4 mites, and it still took me like 2-3 weeks to be completely finished with them.
You have millions man, and not only do you have millions, you have millions in your carpet, your grow room, your floor, your air, your clothes, your shoes, EVERYWHERE.
And not to be an asshole or anything, you said you have grown cannabis before and whatnot and yet you let this problem get this bad?
Spidermites are a staple in marijuana cultivation, anywhere you type in growing marijuana you see spidermites, you should of caught this weeks ago.
In my opinion, scrap them, read some more, buy some shit to PREVENT this from happening, and do it again.
Predator bugs are good and all man, but you think it's going to solve it overnight?
Your plants are so infested you would need SERIOUS shit to break their reproductive cycle.
And alotaball is right, he taught me the majority of the shit I know, and without his ass my plants would be looking like yours, no offense.
good luck man, remember... if we didnt care we wouldnt type this shit out for twenty minutes.

and I would go punch whoever gave you those plants in the fucking throat man.
if hes your friend, stop talking to him it'll be better in the long run.
this shit right here is the type of shit that costs people thousands of dollars.
stupid ass growers giving/selling clones and plants that are infested with pests and problems.
if it were a pet I would of called animal control already.


Well-Known Member
Nerd you should check steez first grow out.. he has a journal.. he's knocking it out man.. looks bitchin.. and yes he still had hiccups ect... We are only telling you this stuff because we want to help!

You need foilage and budsites to make BUD and those plants are already in flower .. so you can veg them longer.. they have 3 ft of bamboo holding them up and they dont even have bud weight on them yet!..

THIS IS aside from the pest and mold problems... give yourself a fair chance and start with those healthy seedlings you put a pic up of.... EVEN IF you fight the mildew and mites.. your not gonna get a result worth the electricity and time dedicated to those girls.. they dont have the foilage and budsites to support a decent harvest.. :(


Active Member
Just take them outside, sit them next to your trash cans....Care for them with all the love you can give.....THEN SAY GOOD BYE TO THE WHOLE MESS.... You have your fresh start....Like Mr.Ball advised if you started those seeds on 12/12 right now, they will way out produce those weak ass bamboo shoots you think is weed.......NO OFFENSE MEANT....


Well-Known Member
Nerds .. just to show you .. these plants are a 1/4 as tall as your girls.. and look how much more foilage there is ... you cant grow buds .. without budsites!

AND THAT PLANT wont support buds these size..


Well-Known Member
Yea, easy man 12/12 those seedlings! I didnt even think of that man.
And yea, you are wasting space and electricity on those plants man. I was going to throw away my hindu kush plant just for the space to go to my better plants.

This is the seedling I did 12/12 with, I just had a solo cup and a seed, and all my other plants were flowering so I said hey I'LL GIVE IT A SHOT.
now look at this bitch, did I expect it to hit 3 feet and produce more than an ounce? no, is it more than 3 feet and is it going to produce more than an ounce? DAMN SKIPPY.
RedbullDay14Flower (1).jpg
Note that this plant is forced into my tent, and what I mean by forced is that its in the corner, and when I put it in the corner I move all its branches around to fit in there.
It never got any fans blowing on it it's entire life, and im being dead serious that it hasnt had one fan pointed on it EVER.
I treated this plant like I wanted to kill it, I wanted to see how much nutes I can put into the water without killing a plant completely, I wanted to pretty much see how much I can neglect a plant without it dying. and look how this bitch turned out.
It has bigger bud sites at this time, then my clones had this time!
Why go into flowering with a shit plant, you're only going to come out with shit results man.


Well-Known Member
WOW steez that girl took off.. I dont know what its gonna yield for you .. since your still using 400 watts.. but a plant that size under a 1000 watter will pull 2-4 zips. Im sure even with the smaller light .. its gonna be WEEELLL worth it..

IF SEEDS werent so exspensive I would just go 12/12 from seed every grow from your results :)