Quick watering question


Active Member
My plants have been growing for about 5 days now and i havent got the whole watering thing down. I know the rule of thumb is to water when their dry, but i just haven't got it down yet. So a few quick questions i have are;

How many oz's would you say of water you give your plants at a time?
How many days of increments before you water again?

Another question is; are there any fertilizers that i could use to enhance the growth of my plants at this time?

If so, how often?


Well-Known Member
You water when you think they need water. At 5 days old you wouldnt give any fertilizers to that baby. Like ive heard here on these forums before,"would you give a baby a t-bone steak?". No you give that lil bugger milk. In about 2 weeks give the plant some nutes.


Active Member
yeah a plant less than a couple of weeks old is still mostly going on internal nutes provided to it already. Adding more is likely to just stun or even kill it. This is true of marijuana as well as any typical garden plant I've had experience with.


Active Member
damn steak sounds good. yeea sounds right. but i have no fuckin idea on what kind of nutrients i should give my babies


Well-Known Member
What you want to do is go to any store that sells gardening supply and look for plant food. Look on the back of the box like you would when you look at a box of cereal to find out what type of shit you gonna eat. If it is high in Nitrogen (25%) and low in phosphorous and potassium (about 15%) then buy it. Might as well pick up some blooming nutes to for when your ready to flower. These will be low in N, but high in P and K(potassium).


As far as watering. It all depends on your medium and how it drains. if it all drains out in a couple seconds you can add 49 gallons of water. but if its retaining alot of water you will want to give it a few days. you want your soil to be moist not soupy or really wet. I would give the like 1/4 of a gatorade bottle a peice to start and go from there. if your dry again in a few hours add more. if your still wet the next day dont add more. etc.


No fertilizer yet. maybe a little vitamin b but not absolutely necessary. I wait till they get really light green almost yellow (NOT TOO YELLOW LOL) then add nutes.