Quickest way to dry it out?????


Well-Known Member
I chopped my small plant last night, some kid told me that I can wrap a bud in foil like a baked potato and stick it in the oven at 200 and slow dry it for like 3 hours?
I was just wondering if that's true and if anyone knows any other way to dry it out really fast?

P.S. sorry to leave such a NOOB question here,, but is it even possible to be smokin' a little today? I know the quality won't be the same.


Well-Known Member
if you put it in the oven at 200, you will have nothing but useless bud when you are done. wrap in in a paper towel and put in the microwave on the lowest setting for 15 seconds. check for dryness, repeat if necessary.


Well-Known Member
please don't do this to your entire crop. it really doesn't taste that great. but it's okay for a little test smoke.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt fuck with it, otherwise it will taste shit.
leave it in a c.board box on strings, in the dark for 4 plus weeks then put into jars.
rushed dried weed is rubbish.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt leave in the microwave, it tastes shit.
just leave a bit laying around the house in the warmest room for a day or 2 if you need tyo try a little.


Well-Known Member
I put some on top of my frig. It takes a day and then it is done. I do this when I am desperate and can't wait...Otherwise I hang it in the dark for about 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys,
Yea it's just a little nug, not the whole crop, ust wanted a little sample, for someone who will only be around TODAY.

I'm thinking i'll stick it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds at a time.