Quickly...Someone help pleeeasssee!

Hey guys, quick question. I just went and checked on my outdoor babies. And both are female but the flowers are small. Now this is my first grow. When the flowers are small does it mean I need to induce flowering or let it go some more? The strain is just a mid-grade bag seed. Some flowers aren't fully produced as you can see by the pic. I done it au natural lol. No nutrients or anything just sunshine and water and lots of love. So should i induce flowering or let it get bigger? I live in South Georgia so i'm not too sure of the flowering times.:confused:



Active Member
Just give it time baby, let the mysterious ways of nature take over, It will continue to gorw bigger and bigger buds, its not like just boom one day the buds sprout out and you good to go, it a slow process/.


Active Member
Also by the pic, it seems like they are already starting to flower, so just let em' go. Unless you need to keep them under a certain size or something.


Well-Known Member
Why would you need to induce flowering if its already started flowering?

I don't understand the question.

Wait a couple months until it is full of big buds then pick it dry it cure it smoke it


Well-Known Member
If you're growing outdoors you don't ever need to induce flowering. The plants will know when it's time to flower, and they will do it.

What you've got there looks like some very early pre-flowers. These are basically just indications that the plant is sexually mature and is going to begin flowering very soon. Everywhere you see those preflowers are bud sites. They WILL fill in and grow larger, given time. Flowering outdoors is usually complete by the time the first frost comes, depending on when you planted.


Active Member
lol, dont lision to these guys, get some mircle grow 15 30 15 and feed your babys that untill 2 weeks befour you chop em down but flush them out befour cut em down
Thanks guys. Sorry for not clarifying. I should've asked..."What do I need to do to this plant?" LoL! Sorry ima newb grower. I've researched and researched and I trust asking people on here. So, thank you guys. And sorry for the quality it was a cell phone. So it should be done flowering before first frost correct?
I'll have better pics when the sun decides to come back out. So basically the flowers "Buds" are fine? They're just growing correct? Should I change anything up? Add nutrients,more water,more sun?!? Or should I just leave it like how I have been?


Active Member

Keep up what your doing, and just let them go, and to the people who say it will autmatically flower, it all depends on where hes located and how many hours of direct sunlight.

People force flower with trash bags if
they are recieving more than 12hr of light.

Just let them do there thing.

lol, dont lision to these guys, get some mircle grow 15 30 15 and feed your babys that untill 2 weeks befour you chop em down but flush them out befour cut em down


Active Member
Yea no synthetic walmart feed man. Get yourself some organic feed from wherever available in your aread and work your way up from 1/3 strength. Theyll boom in size compared to now.