Quitting for a while to reduce very high tolerance

SAME... smoked all of the time. Anytime I was awake, there was fire. All day. All night. Until I passed out. I wasn't breathing great. Started vaping flower. Helped with breathing for sure. Breathing combustion byproducts is not healthy for living lung tissue. But, I didn't get the same high. Depression was over powering the herb. Downward spiral shit. So, I quit. Break away from my program and try a reset. I quit for 6 months. A solid 15 yrs behind me. I did not enjoy the first month. 2 months in and I was feeling better. I enjoyed it. Then I got a job that was more demanding of my time and physical energy. Stress got to me. Got drunk with some friends and talked about missing it. So I got some and it was great. Can still get out of hand with enough time off. Half ounce last week. I like to keep my usage to an ounce per month.
Train a lot? I blacktopped 29 yrs! Was physical most of my life......Still couldn't smoke 10 grams a day, unless I was a fuckin bum I guess.
Blacktopped for 29 years?? Damn that's a tough job, especially on those hot summer days. I'm guessing you werent the guy with the shovel lol
I decided to quit for a while. I did 4 weeks ago but now I'd like to write about it. It was after a party where I took a bag with some big weed-only joints. The thing is that many people got very high just with some drags of my joints, and I smoked most of them. About 5-6 grams of good weed. Then I realized my tolerance was way too high.

I was smoking about 10 grams a day of very nice weeds during the last 10 years. I am a musician and I mainly work in the evenings, so I always started the day running for some km (not much) and after that, I had breakfast, a big fatty joint (about a gram) and then another one. Some work in the garden, playing with the cats, practicing some music... Then another one while cooking.... to make it short, I was smoking all time. At the end of the day, or when going out and partying it was usual to smoke several fat joints more.

I didn't smoke mild weed, although I usually preferred sativas like Mextiza, and another rare sativas that are clone-only in Spain like Red Snake or La Bella. But when they were over (these plants don't produce much) I was smoking Taskenti, Black Domina, Jack Herer, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sour Diesel or any weed I could reach. Really strong weed.

The thing is that it was very easy to quit. No bad mood, no digestive problems, no shit. I didn't became an alcoholic either. I had some trouble to sleep the two first nights but I took some benzos (just some mg) and I slept well. I didn't keep taking them after that, I hate hard drugs. I sleep well and since I quit weed I started dreaming intensely, and that was a encouraging reason to keep not taking any weed. Very nice surrealistic adventures. I didn't remember how the brain mixes all things around your life and presents it to you in such a crazy way. I hadn't dreamed for years and dreaming is nice.

I just missed my weed when I had sex or when I watch a movie or series. I don't have the patience to stay sit down. In fact, I believe I'm a little hyperactive now. I lost 4 or 5 kg in 4 weeks due to more activity I perform.

I plan to smoke again, of course, but I might wait another month. I believe I will get very stoned the first times (I hope) but I plan to make a more rational use of the weed. Smoke at nights, for example, or in summer festivals. I really enjoy sativas while partying and playing outdoors.

What do you think?
I think you'll be burning bunches when you start again.
I decided to quit for a while. I did 4 weeks ago but now I'd like to write about it. It was after a party where I took a bag with some big weed-only joints. The thing is that many people got very high just with some drags of my joints, and I smoked most of them. About 5-6 grams of good weed. Then I realized my tolerance was way too high.

I was smoking about 10 grams a day of very nice weeds during the last 10 years. I am a musician and I mainly work in the evenings, so I always started the day running for some km (not much) and after that, I had breakfast, a big fatty joint (about a gram) and then another one. Some work in the garden, playing with the cats, practicing some music... Then another one while cooking.... to make it short, I was smoking all time. At the end of the day, or when going out and partying it was usual to smoke several fat joints more.

I didn't smoke mild weed, although I usually preferred sativas like Mextiza, and another rare sativas that are clone-only in Spain like Red Snake or La Bella. But when they were over (these plants don't produce much) I was smoking Taskenti, Black Domina, Jack Herer, Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze, Sour Diesel or any weed I could reach. Really strong weed.

The thing is that it was very easy to quit. No bad mood, no digestive problems, no shit. I didn't became an alcoholic either. I had some trouble to sleep the two first nights but I took some benzos (just some mg) and I slept well. I didn't keep taking them after that, I hate hard drugs. I sleep well and since I quit weed I started dreaming intensely, and that was a encouraging reason to keep not taking any weed. Very nice surrealistic adventures. I didn't remember how the brain mixes all things around your life and presents it to you in such a crazy way. I hadn't dreamed for years and dreaming is nice.

I just missed my weed when I had sex or when I watch a movie or series. I don't have the patience to stay sit down. In fact, I believe I'm a little hyperactive now. I lost 4 or 5 kg in 4 weeks due to more activity I perform.

I plan to smoke again, of course, but I might wait another month. I believe I will get very stoned the first times (I hope) but I plan to make a more rational use of the weed. Smoke at nights, for example, or in summer festivals. I really enjoy sativas while partying and playing outdoors.

What do you think?
sounds like u smoke to much and dont get alot done, i smoke 0.2 grams a day used to be a easy 1 gram a day smoker

only use 0.2 grams a day and i am still flat chat getting stuff done haha.

get a diary bro and right down all that u can dream up for the next day, and start trying to get all of it done, u will probably start around 50% efficency but just work on getting it to 80percent.

much love, focus on health, and life, and then the ERB.
sounds like u smoke to much and dont get alot done, i smoke 0.2 grams a day used to be a easy 1 gram a day smoker

only use 0.2 grams a day and i am still flat chat getting stuff done haha.

get a diary bro and right down all that u can dream up for the next day, and start trying to get all of it done, u will probably start around 50% efficency but just work on getting it to 80percent.

much love, focus on health, and life, and then the ERB.
.2 grams a day??? Brah! That’s what falls out of my blunts after I roll it. Like a gram a week.
.2 grams a day??? Brah! That’s what falls out of my blunts after I roll it. Like a gram a week.
i can get super blazed all day off .2 to .4 grams i used to have high tolerance but not anymore, its been like a year of this my tolerance is just unable to grow anymore.
My stepfather has this prob too. He can rip a huge load of shatter and not even be fazed. Been smoking for 45 yrs tho. Only thing that helps him is to take a break. Catch 22 cause he NEEDS to smoke/vape/eat whatever. I'm gonna buy him a concentrate rig for his bday soon and a few nice grams of some sheeit. He doesn't own one so I guess I can help fuck up his tolerance even more now lol.
I have been vaping only for months now and still get high as shit. I smoke concentrates when I'm done with work but I hit my vape pen alllllll day long. I have 2 pens so that when the 1st is charging, i don;'t have to steal my gfs while I wait. Idk everybody is different main.
Good stuff op, when the brain speaks we gotta listen... at some point anyway lolz.
I gotta say, is the way you smoke it also. If you hold a whole big puff inside for 20+ seconds it ll do the same job of 4-5 normal tokes, maybe more. We blow away most of it.

Have you started again? I switched to vaping daily and in the longrun it makes a difference. Leave the gram+ joints for specials bro
I gotta say, is the way you smoke it also.

Yea, bong vs joint makes a huge difference. If i smoke from a joint, i need to smoke almost double to get the same effect than from a large bong. Also if you get used to bong, joints get to your head so slowly that it doesent feel much since there is no proper hitting of the weed at any point, just a slooooow rise. Especially with high tolerances joints become like smoking cigarettes that never get to your head properly, unless its very big joint with good weed and you smoke it fast enough.

My problem is that my lungs cant handle bong anymore to smoke fast enough to get super high, joints are waste of weed that doesent work properly and vaping feels like it only gives me part of the high, leaving out the part i grave the most and i end up vaping tons and not feel like its working properly(unless i combine vaping with smoking from a bong) :/

My lungs could not handle 10 grams a day, except maybe from joints if i really tried to push my limits, but i can definitely see someone smoking 10 grams a day of quality weed from joints and not being very high. I have also noticed that some people just dont develop such tolerances even if they would smoke lots daily.
I've been weed-clean for two weeks, working my tolerance back. I can't believe how much I dream every night. Just for the dreaming, it is worth the effort.

I've experienced feelings and situations that the normal live doesn't provide. That's kind of a natural high.

I know I'll be back to weed, I just needed a break. I was again smoking a minimum of 5 joints every day, each one of them had more than a gram of weed inside.

Sweet dreams
you could allways take cbd to take the edge off, it would help to reduce the thc levels in the body and still give you a little background buzz
I remember getting ready to go to the store and realizing I felt like I needed a joint for the 5 minute ride. Dependencies are usually weakness.

I do not get high alone.
I do not get high during the day.
In the past 1.5 months I've gotten high once. Absolutely fantastic day, adventures, conversations. Can't get to that level if you're an everyday smoker.

I've increased my lung capacity recently and will panic a bit if smoking affects that. But OH MY! when I take an edible my fucking lungs are 130% - no fucking joke

...who's thread is this and what's the subject?
I remember getting ready to go to the store and realizing I felt like I needed a joint for the 5 minute ride. Dependencies are usually weakness.

I do not get high alone.
I do not get high during the day.
In the past 1.5 months I've gotten high once. Absolutely fantastic day, adventures, conversations. Can't get to that level if you're an everyday smoker.

I've increased my lung capacity recently and will panic a bit if smoking affects that. But OH MY! when I take an edible my fucking lungs are 130% - no fucking joke

...who's thread is this and what's the subject?

I started it and I wanted to share knowledge. Have you read the first post? It states its principles clearly. I've made three 2-month stops between the original post and this one today.

I've been clean for 6 weeks and I don't miss getting high at all. I know that I'll start again for sure, but not at the same rhythm. I'll probably spend a couple more months without weed. I'll have very nice sativas well cured for the moment.

Sweet smokes
I remember getting ready to go to the store and realizing I felt like I needed a joint for the 5 minute ride. Dependencies are usually weakness.

I do not get high alone.
I do not get high during the day.
In the past 1.5 months I've gotten high once. Absolutely fantastic day, adventures, conversations. Can't get to that level if you're an everyday smoker.

I've increased my lung capacity recently and will panic a bit if smoking affects that. But OH MY! when I take an edible my fucking lungs are 130% - no fucking joke

...who's thread is this and what's the subject?
i get high alone 99%, i go to work, i come home, i train, or go do sport, and then ill come home and vape 0.05 grams of weed and i am off my head, i use no more then 0.1 grams a day through a pax 3 and i feel like if i have anymore i will get paranoid and green out, but if i am with people i can use alot more because the social energy pumps me up and i can handle more without wigging out, same thing with alcohol which i barely use, but i can have 2 beers and i feel tipsy and then i smash like 2.5 liters of water and some nuts n fruit and i feel good and then thats me done.

i will get high for a full day once a week usually a sunday on my rest day and i have trained all week and worked all week and done all the chores and meal preps and preperations for the next week. and smash fortnite and kill some kids.

i beleive that the lung capacity for me is better with the vape then smoking i havent smoked in 6 months and would only have half a joint prior to that for years, but, i still feel like when i vape i take shallower breaths and yeah it can freak me out too when my "lung capacity" is affected even when vaping, i would say lung capacity isnt affected like, thing is, you are just high and the body is in a altered state, i have small cone piece and depending on the strength of the weed i will fill it to around 1/4 full at about 0.05grams and vape it for the quick effect, i am open to oil but tbh i love the vape over oil mostly because its instant and i dont have time after work and training to sit around for a hour while i wait for high to kick in

but oil defiently feels better for the cardiovascular energy, and i feel like my dopamine isnt as affected as it is when using a quick method like smoking or vape, maybe because it is slow and that is better for the brain hormones, i also feel less taxed when i come down off of that oil high, and feel it is less addictive because no instant rush.

will also agree on how cool breathing techniques are.

keep on the journey bro sounds like you are on a good path
What a ride though this thread just wanted to say thank you for your time and the best wishes to you and your family I myself smoke for pain relief and could not even think about stopping and going back to pain pills but as I said thank you for your time
I decided a while back that I wasnt going to buy any until my own stuff is ready. Not had a smoke for a good while and ages to go yet. Hard at times but hopefully will make my first smoke of my own stuff that little bit sweeter.