Quitting Gluten


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to share some good news with you peeps. I was having some serious gut issues, like chronic mud butt, cramps, vomiting etc. The more I tried to eat healthy, vegetarian style foods, the more I felt like shit. I'd already given up dairy with out any real improvments. On my last health fair blood test I had high cholesterol and high Iron serum, so I decided it was time to talk to the Doc.
My Doc quickly suggested I try eliminating gluten from my diet. I've been gluten free for about 3 weeks now and the results are changing my life! In 3 weeks I have had no more gut issues or mud butt, I have way more mental clarity, memory, energy, confidence etc. It has also eliminated the anxiety I was having in some social situations. I just got my Mojo back!!

Also interesting is how much less I desire, or need to smoke weed. I used to be a daily wake and baker, but now I have the desire to work out in the morning and stay clear and sober. Now I can wait til 420 to smoke.


Active Member
Good for you. Grains are terrible for the body. See if you can find some Grass-fed beef instead of the pink slime grain fed shit now and you'll feel 10000% better.


Well-Known Member
Alot of my family have the same problem as yourself Celiac disease, and cant eat gluten. my mum had it for years before the doctors became aware of what the disease was and it was killing her, after a few days on a gluten free diet she got her life back, some people get it very bad and cant even eat food that may have been prepared near something that isent gluten free for example my mum needs her own toaster only for gluten free bread, if i toasted normal bread in her toaster she would get sick the next time she toasted her own bread in that toaster. some people can tolerate small amounts and not get ill, goodluck