Quitting smoking weed.... (no really, I'm serious)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Money is more important than love? :lol: just joking, but nope, i can't let you do it, weed must be smoked, to hell with monies :D

Please don't take it in the wrong way, but having stated that i'm now just left with the scene from idiocracy in my head :D

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
im coming to the time in my life i have to quit weed for a while , job doing drug tests ( if i fuck something up ) its really hard , for me life is just so much easier when stoned ,( im only talkin two maybe three joints a day ) i can get on with a job i can be a good dad , i can care about people , i can get on with my familly and i can ignore the shit things about life , without weed , i just feel everything is pointless , ive smoked everyday for 15 + years , without it i become disconected with life , i dont care about anyone or anything , for me its not about getting HIGH i mostly smoke alone , its about getting through each day .
people say oh those negative feelings will go away after a couple of months , but they dont , i once did nearlly a year without weed , i put on weight disconected with friends and familly and getting up for work everyday was just torture , with weed i get up everyday , bright and ready to start the day .
i can literally be at the point that everything in my life is shit , i look to the future and just see bad bad things , but then i smoke half a joint and everything is suddenly better and the future seems bright .yeah im addicted to weed but i can honestly say weed helps me not hinders me , ive been sober and it really is not better for me .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i weigh up being in a good job but feelin shit , to being unemployed but happy with life , being happy and content allways wins over .


Well-Known Member
Try a little Melotoin at night may help you sleep. Also Chamomile will help a little with rest as well as calm the stomach. A little lemon, mint and ginger as a tea helps my stomach a lot. Digestive enzymes will help with well digestion. There are lots of natural substances out there that can help with many things. Good luck

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
please dont tell me this is another "covering my trails" post when someone dips from RIU

"this way the cops wont expect a THING! :lol: ! The cops following me on this site think I quit smoking! So they won't come after me! Stupid cops! :clap:But I just left the forum!


Well-Known Member
yeah dont listen to dude...$30 an hour is bank. thats 240 gross a day...$1200 per week...$4800 a month...just under 58K a year. anyone can live very comfortably on that. who couldnt live it up on 4800 a month? unless ur use to making 12K a month lol.

im with you man. if i found something that nice im in too.
No, he isn't making 30 bucks an hour...after taxes and inflation it's 20. And he'll be working for someone else indefinitely, already had to change his life before the first day on the job. Grow 50 plants and you'll easily exceed that pay scale...unless you have dependents etc. in need of financial support of course.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man I appreciate it. I got hired by the oil company "husky" as an analyst... (well actually its a job prospect since i'm right about to finish my 5th year at school and get my master's degree of sociology).

Yes lastnight was VERY hard to sleep, I can't stop thinking about getting high. I removed all my weed and oil but I cant stop thinking about going outside and grabbing a roach from the ash tray... ( as dirty as that sounds I cant stop thinking about it ).... Anyone who says marijuana isnt mentally addictive is fucking wrong.
Try valerian root at night...yep...the parent plant valium is extracted from...hope the job works out!


Well-Known Member
im coming to the time in my life i have to quit weed for a while , job doing drug tests ( if i fuck something up ) its really hard , for me life is just so much easier when stoned ,( im only talkin two maybe three joints a day ) i can get on with a job i can be a good dad , i can care about people , i can get on with my familly and i can ignore the shit things about life , without weed , i just feel everything is pointless , ive smoked everyday for 15 + years , without it i become disconected with life , i dont care about anyone or anything , for me its not about getting HIGH i mostly smoke alone , its about getting through each day .
people say oh those negative feelings will go away after a couple of months , but they dont , i once did nearlly a year without weed , i put on weight disconected with friends and familly and getting up for work everyday was just torture , with weed i get up everyday , bright and ready to start the day .
i can literally be at the point that everything in my life is shit , i look to the future and just see bad bad things , but then i smoke half a joint and everything is suddenly better and the future seems bright .yeah im addicted to weed but i can honestly say weed helps me not hinders me , ive been sober and it really is not better for me .
i agree with you. MJ does make things better and ill never give it up. The furthest i'll go is quit long enough to land whatever good paying job. I wouldn't take a job that required random drug testing (ie. professional sports come to mind) as then i wouldn't be very happy

money can't buy happiness and i agree with that but it sure makes things easier.


Well-Known Member
No, he isn't making 30 bucks an hour...after taxes and inflation it's 20. And he'll be working for someone else indefinitely, already had to change his life before the first day on the job. Grow 50 plants and you'll easily exceed that pay scale...unless you have dependents etc. in need of financial support of course.
you may be right (ie. losing a lot after taxes) but either way a base salary of 60K is more than enough to live well. There are entire FAMILIES that live off that amount per year and still get by...60K for an individual is great pay...especially to start. by the time he tops out on the pay scale it'll be closer to 70k per yr.

Ive lived decently on as low as 12K a year before (1K a month) so if i had 60K i'd pretty much be living it up

Oh..and i WISH i had the place to grow 50 plants outdoors. you'd be looking at 50-100K mattering on how well each plant yields (1-2lbs per plant or more possibly)

if i were lucky enough to do that i'd work all summer long growing the plants and take the rest of the yr off lol.

if i had 50 plants worth of buds i probably wouldn't know what to do with all of it though. i think its unlikely a dispensary would buy 50-100lbs just like that. i bet it would be harder to sell it all than it would be to grow it.


Ursus marijanus
Try valerian root at night...yep...the parent plant valium is extracted from...hope the job works out!
Diazepam (Valium) is a synthetic drug without known natural analogs. The active in valerian is valeric acid, which has a structure not at all like a benzodiazepine. The tradename was chosen with valerian in mind, however. cn


Well-Known Member
Diazepam is not extracted from valerian root. If it was, I'd be doing that all day. But I'm a drug addict.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Thanks man I appreciate it. I got hired by the oil company "husky" as an analyst... (well actually its a job prospect since i'm right about to finish my 5th year at school and get my master's degree of sociology).

Yes lastnight was VERY hard to sleep, I can't stop thinking about getting high. I removed all my weed and oil but I cant stop thinking about going outside and grabbing a roach from the ash tray... ( as dirty as that sounds I cant stop thinking about it ).... Anyone who says marijuana isnt mentally addictive is fucking wrong.

when i take a break i can't sleep either.
after going to the end of the sleep aid world and back, i have settled on something that works for me.

about an hour before bed, take 2 benadryl. 45 minutes later, chew 1 mg of melatonin.

benadryl= turns off wakefulness, takes about 45 minutes to take effect
melatonin= turns on sleepiness, when chewed, goes to work within 10 minutes

when taken as described above it's a real powerful combo considering it's otc. it almost feels like blacking out and is scary at first. then you wake up the next day and realize that you got some power sleep.

do expect some morning grogginess due to the long half life of the benadryl, but melatonin has a very short half life and neither of these things is additive. it's still less groggy than you would be with NO sleep.


Well-Known Member
when i take a break i can't sleep either.
after going to the end of the sleep aid world and back, i have settled on something that works for me.

about an hour before bed, take 2 benadryl. 45 minutes later, chew 1 mg of melatonin.

benadryl= turns off wakefulness, takes about 45 minutes to take effect
melatonin= turns on sleepiness, when chewed, goes to work within 10 minutes

when taken as described above it's a real powerful combo considering it's otc. it almost feels like blacking out and is scary at first. then you wake up the next day and realize that you got some power sleep.

do expect some morning grogginess due to the long half life of the benadryl, but melatonin has a very short half life and neither of these things is additive. it's still less groggy than you would be with NO sleep.
i'm gonna try this tonight.


Well-Known Member
This is a very intresting thread topic.

Yes. I think we've all been there. Stopping for any length of time after smoking daily multiple times is a bitch and a half. It really is a huge source of anxiety.

There are some interesting alleviating methods described here, but I've found that nothing really gets you over this hump other than time. Once it's out of your system, you won't be high anymore... but will you be 'normal' or 'better?' I think the answer will vary from individual to individual.

Of course pot has its drawbacks, just like any other medicine... But as I use it to control my bipolar disorder and treat my back pain, I see it as a part of my life. I use mood-lifting hybrids to keep me on a more even emotional keel, and I use heavy indicas for my back pain. I don't see it as something that hinders me, but rather something that helps me get more out of life. But that's just me.


Active Member
Holy shit me too I used to burn down all day everyday for more than half of my life. i am on my second day of sobriety and it sucks. At least u get too quit as a personal choice. Hopefully in the next 10 years it will be legal.