Quiz:if you can figure this out you win $$$

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Just saw the homemade pesticide----Try this that big bag of ammonium sulfate that says 21-0-0 is Nitrogen so use a 1/3 tbs with a pint sprayer and mist leaves under and on top Plant likes it bugs don't. Do not mist to late in day Morning best. Before light is on too long or heat is above 68 something about photo cells getting damaged by heat with light Etc.... Just if you are going to spray late in the day spray the undersides
You are definately getting spider mites and should be dealt with immediately! An associate of mine just got them and we picked up a product called Forbid with an active chemical called spiromesifen. Here is a link to the site that I was referred to. http://rosemania.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/product147.htmlIf you live near Golden, CO. then I can tell you a shop that will sell you a pre mixed sprayer for 1 application for around 20 bucks but if you buy the full bottle then you will have enough to control mites forever. I have never used it before but this guy told me he guarentees it will work and has had a 100% sucess rate with many people and all of them have come back and said it worked on the first application every time. That is a bold statement for a hydro shop owner to base his reputation on and I will try to remember to get back to you in a few days and let you know if it worked as advertised. Also you need to check your PH (needs to be close to 6.0). Also check for Nitrogen and Potassium deficiencies. Maybe cut back on you feeding/ watering a bit. email me back if I forget to get back in a few days @ ghett-ill@hotmail.com Good luck


I'm sorry my friends you are all wrong. Initially it was a nitrogen deficiency,however that problem was taken care of before this thread was posted. The answer is fungus gnats. I know everybody says that it is almost impossible to get rid of these suckers but I have found a way. The solution is garden-safe 3 in 1 fungicide from wal-mart. I bought this stuff and soaked my plant and soil with it and the lit5tle critteras were all gone in less than 24 hours, and when I say gone I mean poof they completely vanished. I have had others tell me that this was the only way they got rid of their fungus gnat problem. By the way, it is a shme that I have to offer a reward to get some advice from you guys. I thought we were all in this together. I thought we were a worldwide click so to say. Smokers and growers alike. Anyways, thank you all for your advice and I hope there is something I can do in the future to help all of you......it won't be money....lmao...lol.....LATER!!!