Qwerg's 400w HPS/Metal Halide Grow!


Well-Known Member
Grow is disasterous!! I had to pull out a plant due to frustration, the thing folded at the base of the stem after watering, i tired everything to keep it up, stick stand, rocks, mulch, and combination of things, nothing worked. Same wit hthe oldeest plant but I have 2 heavy duty staples holding it up and some mulch, it was also badly folded over. Why?? pH isnt bad, the temp is about 80 degress F. I'm germinating a replacement plant, and i moved a dried up tap root and moved it to the pot where I pulled the seedling after soaking it, to give it some moisture, it looks fine. Now I'm two plants behind just as I was thinking about adding a fourth plant. FUCKING TERRIFIC?! Right?

Well the 1 remaining plant is standing up, and it looking very healthy. Pics soon!


Well-Known Member
New pictures of the grow. Added more CFLs! Currently (2) 23 Watt red spectrum CFLs, (1) 20 watt red spectrum CFL, (1) 13 watt red spectrum CFL, and (1) 13 watt blue spectrum CFL. Why are warm whites so hard to find? Anyway, like I said I switch back and forth a few times during the day between CFLs and Metal Halide. One Seedling is doing great, a new one sprouted, and another is germinating to make up for last nights loss.



Well-Known Member
Haha this is kinda like a grow journal because it seems like I'm the only one who posts on here now. Anyway, I picked up some different potting soil today for another pot I also got. The soil isn't miracle grow, it's called New Era, didn't read the package too much, but it contains peat moss and when you feel the package it feels really loose and light. Can't wait to give it a try. BTW, the germing seed didn't crack yet...damn. I'm also adjusting pot position today because I don't want my plant curving for light. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Put the light on a timer and quit obsessing with this grow, get another hobby BESIDES this. And water once every two days..Good luck


Well-Known Member
Put the light on a timer and quit obsessing with this grow, get another hobby BESIDES this. And water once every two days..Good luck

Real quick lets make some things clear...first of all, derfintely not my only hobby.

Second, put the plants on a timer? Made 100% no sense.

Third, seems you need a another hobby, judging by you pro info, you joined way after I did, yet you still have more posts than I do.

So before you try and burn my thread, get the facts straight. Why even read it if you disagree with it.

BTW, here's some new pics, they're a day old, for all the people that are interested and want to help out, it's appreciated...



can anyone help me out and tell me what kind of bud im growing i no its some type of sativa from the leaves but the stems/branchs are dark purple and red i dont no how to put pictures on this but my display pic is the picture of my plant and i got some in my album i hope u guys can help me out


Active Member
Ok, just a bit of advise for you. the bark chips in the top of the pot are not necessary. they are doing nothing for you at this point. In fact if you water and some water bounces off one of those bark chips and hits your plant, it could fold it over and ruin it. They are way too young to be adding fancy bark chips. Get those out of there man. Second you can use MG soil, without issue and many have. If I were buying MG soil I would buy a bag of MG soil, a bag of perlite and a bag of Organic soil with no addatives. I would mix 40% MG, 40% Organic blend and 20% perlite. Miracle grow makes all three of these products and they are affordabley priced. If you are shopping at home depot you are guranteed to find all three products there.

third, some plants die, and some seeds do not even sprout. It is simply a risk you take every time you plant. Here is my advise to minimize damaging a plant. First you buy some rockwool cubes. after you have cracked the seeds in a dish of water kept warm in a dark place, you place the cracked seeds 1 per rockwool cube. You will then place your moistened rockwool cubes in a seed germination tray with a see through plastic top. poor a little water in the bottom of the tray and through a lid on it. In order to keep the rockwool cubes moist but not soaked, you need just a small amount of water in the bottom of the tray. Do not keep opening the tray after you have set this up!!! Only open to re-up the water in the tray. If you can place it in a warm place or on a heating pad, then that would be ideal. They need to be in a damp, warm place to germinate properly. so find somewhere with a temp 85 or above, but not greator than 90 and let them sit in the tray.

Eventually they will pop through the top of the cubes. once you reach this point, you are in the clear. Now place you CFLs over the top of your germ try. Let the plants grow in the germ tray... Lemme say this again. let the plants grow in the germination tray. Its the perfect environment for a baby plant. Its moist and wet and they love that. once the get 4 or 5 inches tall. Place more light on top of them. At this point you could safely add the MH light at about 12 inches away. you will let the babies grow in the germination try until they are hitting the top of the plastic dome or just about to. then you will transplant them to your premixed soil that we discussed earlier. At the time of transplant you will water them right after transplant and put them on 24 hours of light the first week. Then, at the second week scale back the light to 18/6. you can also adjust the light closer to the plants if using a 250 watt light and your cooling is good.

Sorry if nobody seemed helpful earlier. Some of these people have an ignorant habit of coming into a thread and making stupid comments even though they have nothing to say that is productive and helpful for you. The first grow is always difficult, but don't give up! You can PM me with any questions also.


Active Member
One more thing. A gentle breeze blowing over the top of the plants makes the stem stronger. It is a proven fact. So you might want to add an oscillating fan to your set up. You don't want a hurricane going on, just a gentle breeze that makes the little plants shake slightly every time it hits them. The shaking back and forth from the air is what causes the plant to build a stronger stem.


Well-Known Member
One more thing. A gentle breeze blowing over the top of the plants makes the stem stronger. It is a proven fact. So you might want to add an oscillating fan to your set up. You don't want a hurricane going on, just a gentle breeze that makes the little plants shake slightly every time it hits them. The shaking back and forth from the air is what causes the plant to build a stronger stem.
Thanks, I was considering buying a dome for germinating, defintely a good investment. The MG seems to be doing great for one plant I have, the other seedlings seem to have just plain bad genetics, so I'll once again germ two more seeds. It's not my first grow, bu my first grow using HIDs and soil. I've had a high yielding success once, but it was in the aerogarden.


Well-Known Member
Ok Review: 2 bag seed strains growing, and now 1 spinach malabar plant growing, because the 3rd MJ plant failed. I have Miracle Gro Indoor Plant food tablets that worked great for my past AG grow. The analysis is 15-20-15. I gave it to the Spinach which is in New Era soil. My question is, if the other Mj plants are in Miracle Gro potting Mix which says on the potting mix bag, "feeds plants for up to 3 months", should I still give it nutes? To test I gave some nutes to the plant in MG soil mixed with compost. Maybe I over watered it though because I just watered that pot yesterday, I didn't give it too much today, just a good taste of nutes :weed:. So should I feed my Miracle Gro Soil plants some Miracle Gro Plant Food? If so, how often, every time I water. It's 1 tablet per 2 Qts water.


Active Member
nope, you need to exhaust the MG soil before you add nutes to it. Adding nutes to soil that already has nutes will give you nute burn. If using soil, you only water every few days. so water well one day, then let it go for another 2 days, then water again. Gotta give that soil a chance to dry a bit. MG nutes state that the ratio they reccomend should be used once a week I think. If you are going to water more than once a week, I would halve the concetration that the container calls for.


Well-Known Member
nope, you need to exhaust the MG soil before you add nutes to it. Adding nutes to soil that already has nutes will give you nute burn. If using soil, you only water every few days. so water well one day, then let it go for another 2 days, then water again. Gotta give that soil a chance to dry a bit. MG nutes state that the ratio they reccomend should be used once a week I think. If you are going to water more than once a week, I would halve the concetration that the container calls for.

Good advice, thanks! Yeah, well maybe the the soil feeding isn't to bad, less things I have to worry about overdoing or not doing enough, ya know?

BTW, the oldest plant looks GREAT! However I lowered the light to about a foot away from the plant top, so temp is around 85-90, I have no oscillating fans I can use at the moment, so I'm gonna add a more powerful fan to circulate air in the room, its a black and decker.


Well-Known Member
Ok plant looks, good, but looks are deceiving...

The oldest plant is now 15 days old.

The good news is the plant looks great, and I lowered the lights.

The bad news is because I lowered the light to about a foot away from the canopy, the temps shot up to just under 100 degrees F. Can't be good because the temp must drop wen the lights go off atleast 20, doesn't that slow growth.

Also, In the pics I'm posting, does that plant look Sativa judging by the most newest set of leaves?



Well-Known Member
Is 100 F too hot? I pretty sure the soil is much lower temp. Germing more seeds, I don't want to grow spinach, I'd rather 3 chances at a female.


Well-Known Member
Just went into the grow room, to fins out some of the leaves, mostly the lower ones, have twisted completely to the side. I think it's because for some reason the temps will sometimes be almost 100 F and then like just now the temp is all the way down to 90 F. The temp probably drops alot overnight too, so I think it's because of the temp changes. Only one part of one leaf seems to be transpiring to keep cool, it that though, wouldn't all the other leaves be transpired if it was too hot?


Well-Known Member
Ok, my plant will be 3 weeks old tomorrow (8/23). In a few places, petrusions showed up, I know it's the first sign of sex. But is it male of female? I think it's undifferentiated, pictures up close aren't that great, I'm gonna try and get better pics. Can you tell (unreliably) by the way my plants branches and main stem look? Thank you!



Well-Known Member
Real quick lets make some things clear...first of all, derfintely not my only hobby.

Second, put the plants on a timer? Made 100% no sense.

Third, seems you need a another hobby, judging by you pro info, you joined way after I did, yet you still have more posts than I do.

So before you try and burn my thread, get the facts straight. Why even read it if you disagree with it.

BTW, here's some new pics, they're a day old, for all the people that are interested and want to help out, it's appreciated...
Dang Webster, calm down and shift your pantys. Its obvious from your pics your major noob who's just started.
Chill bro, you won't know sex for a while yet. Once they get a bit bigger, you could switch to 12/12 lighting until they start showing signs of sex and then go back to 18/6.