Well-Known Member
First you have to know how much oil you have by weight. Say you have 10g of oil that's probably 60%THC. That gives you 6g of THC or 6000mg. 10mg of THC will get someone unused to edibles a pretty good buzz. I don't care if you smoke an oz of pot a day edibles work different so you'll still feel it and if you are a casual toker 10mg could even make you 'green out' so always go low to start with any edibles you make and wait at least 2 hours before taking any more until you have established how much you can handle. Everybody reacts differently and greening out is no fun unless you like anxiety attacks, nausea and feeling like you're gonna die any second. Any one or all of those symptoms are possible when you OD on edibles. 2oz of hard liquor can mitigate the bad effects pretty fast so one of those little airline bottles is good to have around. Chewing a peppercorn or smelling ground pepper is supposed to settle things down too but I've never tried it.in case you could not get a "powder":
coconut oil, in what quantity/% should I put it?
I have one of those Cap-M-Quik gizmos that holds 50 - '00' caps rated at 0.91ml liquid capacity each. If I want 10mg THC in each that's 500mg total THC. Assuming my oil is 60% THC to get 500mg I would need . . . this might take a min.
I don't want to fill the caps right to the brim to avoid making a mess so call each cap 0.85ml while I try to figure out the math.
500mg x (1/0.6) = 833.333...mg of oil needed. Less than a gram so even small batch producers can make lots of meds or fun caps depending on what you want to use them for.
Now that amount of oil is also 0.84ml as oil is pretty much 1g/ml or CC so not even enough to fill one cap to our 0.85ml level so now we need to know how much carrier oil to add so we can fill all the caps to our 0.85ml level.
50caps x 0.85ml/cap = 42.5ml
42.5ml - 0.84ml oil = 41.66ml of carrier oil needed to mix with the oil to have enough to fill all the caps. Even syringes aren't dead on but measuring spoons can be used to get pretty close. 1 Tbsp is 15ml so 3Tbsps minus a bit, (3ml), gives us around 42ml. 1tsp. is 5ml.
Gonna need a syringe with a short, blunt needle to fill each one. If there's any kind of farm supply store you can get to they sell all sizes of syringes up to and maybe larger than 60cc. Smaller ones even 5ml are easier to handle for jobs like this and the piston usually slides smoothly compared to larger ones. Lube it by sucking up some oil mix then squirt it out a few times so when you try to squeeze out a small amount it slides smoothly with just a little pressure. I have glass ones in 2, 5 and 30ml and they work best. Now I use gummy molds that make 192 - 4ml square gummies tho I use chocolate instead. I got pics too.

Don't use coconut oil as it turns solid below 76F. I like using MCT oil which is made from coconut oil but stays liquid at much cooler temps but any oil like olive, grapeseed, hemp etc can be used.
As to the decarb I do that with all the oil on it's own after its all extracted. I could do small amounts mixed with the carrier oil on my hotplate and have many times. An infrared laser thermometer works great to make sure your temp doesn't get too high and decarb bubbles like fine champagne bubbles should start to show around 235F so getting it between 240 - 245 will work and give you a little margin of error to keep from going over 250. A small stainless steel or glass stir stick is good to stir gently especially as the bubbling slows as they may be slow to rise. Before bubbling has completely stopped remove from the heat and the decarb is as good as it's going to get.

You could just do the math to mix your oil in enough carrier oil to make a batch that will be 10mg per 0.85ml or whatever other dosage you want. Then heat that up and decarb it all at once and use as much or as little as you need like if you are hand filling caps and just want to do 10 at a time or something.
Kind of a crappy chart but gives the volume at the top for a lot of different caps. Dosage is just a guesstimate as you don't know the actual amount of THC in each ml of pot oil. I'll be doing pretty big batches of 2 types of pot. Regular THC pot of many strains, High CBD pot with lower levels of THC of a few strains and just CBD oil made from industrial hemp flowers I got for free from a hemp farm a few miles away. There's a lab in Vancouver that will give me a break as a senior but the usual price to just have potency tested in their pot certified lab is $60 per sample. They need about 1 - 2g per sample and can also test edibles you've made instead of the raw oil.