Hey B1gger nice to meet you

I usually run my material either fresh frozen, or nicely dried and then frozen. I have tried running different ways, with and without freezing, fresh, dried, cured....... I decide mostly by how I feel when I'm trimming. Usually I let my plants dry with the sugar trim on them, and then wash the trim once its good and dried. Sometimes if I am in a hurry or have a reason to I will trim wet, and when I do I freeze the trim fresh.
I do 2-3 washes about 20, 30, then 45 seconds. Let the solution chill for a few hours and then filter through a multi layered coffee filter. Then I evap it in a dish covered with a ac filter, on top of my dehumidifier . The warm dry air from the machine blows over the top of the dish, and will fully evap a few pints of solution in 24 hours. Then I scrape the dish and enjoy my qwiso. Some times I leave it like the powder in the first pictures on the last page, some times I press it together into a mass like the last picture I posted.